
Many people have contributed over time to the AtariWiki. In this page, we want to thank special contributors for their work preserving Atari and 6502 Programming information.

Clinton W. Parker#

Clinton W. Parker is the creator of the Action! computer language. He has given us the source code of his outstanding language.

Carol B. Shaw#

Carol B. Shaw, creator of River Raid, 3D Tic-Tac-Toe, Calculator and many other programs.

Thank you so much Carol, you will be in our hearts forever! We will never forget you! :-)))

James Bradford#

James Bradford helped to preserve the Atari Personal Financial Management System (P.F.M.S.) box CX406

Allan Bushman#

Allan plays a major role in preserving many Atari programs, especially those, who seems to be lost. Without him the restore of the Atari Program Exchange (APX) would not be possible. Without his contributions Atari would be significant poorer.

Alfred from AtariAge#

Alfred has preserved the Action! source code from being lost and shred it with us, after the o. k. from the creator, Clinton W. Parker. Further, he shared with the Atari community rare Action! programs, which were lost over the decades. He is vital for the Atari community.

Curt Vendel#

Curt Vendel was an Atari employee and provides us with extreme rare information, files etc. who are essential for the restore of Atari's past.

Roland B. Wassenberg#

Roland is one of the main contributors to this wiki, he is tireless chasing for lost items, the 'Indiana Jones' of Atari history. Roland was essential in bringing back the Atari Calculator, parts of Action!, BUG/65 and many Atari application programs. Further, the 'Atari Educational System' program with big contributions from Allan Bushman and the complete 'Voice & Data Cassette' language program, which were never be possible without the contributions from Stefan Meyer and Peter Dell. He plays a major role in getting Atari source codes.

Thank you Roland!