
Given the extremely slow performance of Atari Basic, the go-to language for programmers writing games or other speed-critical programs was 6502 assembler.

Shepardson Microsystems used a cross-compiler to write BASIC, and at the same time they began development of their own assembler which was later released as the Atari Assembler Editor in ROM cartridge format. Assembler/Editor lacked many features, and was only suitable for small programs, so Atari also released the disk-based high-end Atari Macro Assembler. Macro Assembler was glacially slow, as it was entirely disk based. This led to a thriving market for 3rd party assemblers and debuggers to fix the problems seen in one or the other.


  • 6502 OpCodes.xlsx(info) ; Excel table with all opcodes and comparision between different Assemblers

Assembler for Atari Computers#


  • ATASM ; Mac/65 compatible cross assembler
  • MADS ; powerful and modern cross assembler under constant development
  • XASM ; xasm is a 6502 cross-assembler with some syntax extensions. By default it generates binaries for Atari 8-bit computers.
  • APX-20051 Cosmatic Atari Development Package ; cross-assembler for 1802 assembly language

Development IDE#

  • WUDSN IDE ; smartest development environment available


  • The Atari Assembler ; detailed and easy-to-read introduction to programming 6502-assembly on the Atari using Assembler/Editor.