General Information #
Author: Mike StortzLanguage: ACTION!
Compiler/Interpreter: ACTION!
Published: Analog #31 (06/ 85)
At 25. Mike Stortz is the P.D. Librarian for GRASP, the Richmond! Virginia Atari users group. Seemingly unable to find work in the programming field, he is working on about thirty projects at once, including a graphic arcade/adventure game.
1996: Kara Hyke leaves show business after losing out in a disputed Oscar award.
1997: Kara Hyke enrolls at M.I.T.
2010: Kara Hyke discovers semi-matter.
2016: Hyke-Grey effect discovered.
2021: Hyke-Grey drive invented.
2030: Hyke and Grey found Arcadia on Proxima III.
2065: Hamner scout ship attacks Arcadia and is driven off after extensive damage to the city. Work on the shield begins.
Today: Hamner fleet attacks Arcadia...
Deep in caverns under Arcadia, fuel cannisters of semi-matter ore to power the city's defensive shield have been cached away against the day when the aliens would return. Composed of mixed-charge matter, hyke (as it is called) is easily persuaded to annihilate itself in the manner of matter-antimatter reactions, but is more easily stored.
Now that the attack has begun, brave volunteer retrievers must don helipacks, fly down into the caves and bring up the ore, so that Arcadia may not fall.
R.O.T.O. is a game of coodination, reflexes, timing and a hint of strategy that should keep you going for a while before Arcadia can claim victory.
Plug in your Action! cartridge and type in Listing 1. Action! is forgiving about case, spacing and line divisions, so you need not slavishly follow the format of the listing (which is compressed somewhat for purposes of publication).
SAVE it before attempting to RUN it! If you try to run R.O.T.O. from memory, the source code will be overwritten and ruined, causing much gnashing of teeth. Because R.O.T.O. is so large, it must be compiled off of disk or cassette.
For disk.#
After typing R.O.T.O. in, save it with the command CTRL-W and type in the filename "ROTO.ACT" then RETURN. SHIFT-CLEAR the editor, enter the monitor with the CTRL-M command, enter C "ROTO.ACT" and RETURN. This will compile R.O.T.O. into machine language. Now, save the compiled version by typing W "ROTO.AML" and RETURN. AML stands for Action! machine language. To run R.O.T.O. now, just type R and RETURN. In the future, simply type CTRL-M to enter the monitor, D and RETURN to go to DOS, and then binary loading the file ROTO.AML from DOS by using the L command in DOS 2 or DOS 3—or type LOAD ROTO.AML if you have DOS-XL.For cassette.#
Type in R.O.T.O. and save it with the CTRL-W command. Do not use the "Screen Off?" option; it will upset the tape timing. Rewind your tape, press PLAY and RECORD, give the filename 'C:' and RETURN.Go have lunch while the source code's being saved (about fifteen minutes). Come back, clear memory with the SHIFT CLEAR, and enter the monitor with the CTRL-M command.
Rewind the tape containing the R.O.T.O. source code, press PLAY, type in R "C:" and RETURN. Have some more lunch. The computer is rereading the source code, compiling il as it does. When it's finished compiling, the game will automatically start.
In the future, you may play R.O.T.O. by inserting the tape containing the source code into the recorder and typing the R "C:" command.
Playing R.O.T.O.#
After beginning, you should see the R.O.T.O. logo and your man flying about it, while an explanatory message scrolls beneath. You may begin by pressing the START button or the fire button on joystick 1. You will see a portion of a cavernous network and four green blocks with Hs on them. This is the fuel intake.<pic>
Cannisters of hyke are scattered about the caves. They look like the fuel intake, except that they're glowing. Pick up these cannisters by touching them, then return to the intake and touch it. This advances your score and charges the shield in accordance with however many cannisters you've deposited.
Each cannister is worth fifty points. Returning ore also refuels your helipack. Picking up more than ten cannisters before depositing them will cause their magnetic fields to interact with explosive results.
Your man moves up, down, left, right and diagonally in all directions, although he moves downwards faster than up. Moving against the screen's border will scroll more caverns into view, although you'll automatically stop at the far ends of the caves.
Don't run into a wall, or you'll lose a helipack. Watch your fuel. too. Running out will produce the expected effect.
Your retriever is also equipped with a molecular debonding device to facilitate going through rock. Press the fire button to let off a shot. The debonder will vaporize any chunk of rock you fire on. but you will lose a point for even' piece of the caves you eliminate (because you're reducing their structural integrity).
Unfortunately, the debonder will also affect a fuel cannister. Rupturing the magnetic bottle containing the hyke will produce a large explosion and prevent anyone else from retrieving fuel.
Also, attacks from the alien fleet will shake the caves periodically, causing rocks to break loose from the ceiling. Shooting rocks is worth one point each (for cleaning up). Don't run into them, and be careful that the tremors don't send you into a wall.
Pressing any key while a game is in progress will pause it. Press another key to resume play. If you want to begin again, press START.
If you play well and retrieve enough cannisters to top 1000 points, the shield will have stayed up long enough for reinforcements to arrive—and the city will be saved.
On the other hand, if you wreck while hauling cannisters, you could deplete the ore supply so that victory is impossible.
Remember which portions of the caverns you've mined out, and definitely recall the way back to the fuel intake. The cave network is generated randomly each game, so expect variety.
R.O.T.O. may end in five ways:
- Most frequently, you run out of helipacks (while there are many volunteers, there are only three of the sophisticated flying apparatuses).
- The shield is battered down. This happens when you don't retrieve enough ore.
- A fuel cannister is shot.
- You carry more than ten cannisters at once.
- The least common ... Arcadia holds out, and the aliens are defeated — this time!
That's it!#
Action! deserves a word of praise here. R.O.T.O. was designed half in advance and half as I thought of another feature to put in. The excellent editor made even major reshuffling and splitting of routines easy.I shudder to think what I would have gone through using a conventional assembler. Even when the source code became too large to co-reside with the object code, I could compile off of my Axlon RAMDisk with little loss of development time.
The author would appreciate any letters of business offers, extravagant praise, or, failing that, constructive commept. Have fun and save Arcadia!
; R.O.T.O. by Mike Stortz SET $000E=$4000 SET $0491=$4000 DEFINE bytes="64",lines="80", rock="194",pmb_page="128", cb_page="128",cb_adr="32768", dl_page="136",dl_adr="34816", misc_page="137",misc_adr="35072", sc_page="140",sc_adr="35840" BYTE rtclok=$14,atract=$4D,lmargin=$52, rowcrs=$54,dindex=$57,sdmctl=$22F, gprior=$26F,crsinh=$2F0, ch=$2FC,gractl=$D01D, hitclr=$D01E,consol=$D01F, audctl=$D208,skstat=$D20F, pmbase=$D407,wsync=$D40A, vcount=$D40B,nmien=$D40E, chbas=$2F4,chbase=$D409, hscrol=$D404,vscrol=$D405, pcolr0=$2C0,pcolr1=$2C1, pcolr2=$2C2,pcolr3=$2C3, colpm0=$D012,colpm1=$D013, colpm2=$D014,colpm3=$D015, colr0=$2C4,colr1=$2C5, colr2=$2C6,colr3=$2C7, colr4=$2C8, colpf0=$D016,colpf1=$D017, colpf2=$D018,colpf3=$D019, colpf4=$D01A BYTE ARRAY hposp=$D000,mxpf=$D000, hposm=$D004,pxpf=$D004 CARD colcrs=$55,savmsc=$58, vdslst=$200,sdslst=$230, txtmsc=$294 BYTE i,j,k,l,cx,cy,x,y,xs,xsm,ys,joy, phase,mc,face,flag,bak,fore, fuel,packs,enable,whine, carried,end,cans,fallc,shake, shakec BYTE ARRAY logo= [85 85 88 88 88 88 85 85 128 96 88 88 88 88 96 128 0 5 21 88 88 88 88 88 0 128 96 88 88 88 88 88 0 149 149 2 2 2 2 2 0 85 85 80 80 80 80 80 2 9 37 37 37 37 37 37 80 84 37 37 37 37 37 37 85 89 88 88 88 88 0 0 128 96 88 88 88 88 88 1 88 88 88 88 88 88 21 5 88 88 88 88 88 88 96 128 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 66 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 37 37 37 37 37 9 2 64 37 37 37 37 37 84 80 0], cset= [ 0 124 198 198 198 198 254 124 0 56 120 120 56 56 124 254 0 124 206 28 56 112 254 254 0 254 28 56 28 206 254 124 0 28 60 124 220 254 28 28 0 254 192 252 14 206 254 124 0 124 192 252 206 206 254 124 0 254 14 28 56 112 112 112 0 124 198 124 198 198 254 124 0 124 206 126 14 30 124 120 0 56 124 206 206 222 206 206 0 252 14 252 206 206 254 252 0 124 254 198 192 198 254 124 0 248 220 206 206 222 220 216 0 126 252 0 240 192 252 126 0 126 252 0 252 248 224 224 0 126 224 224 238 230 254 126 0 230 230 238 230 230 230 230 0 254 56 56 56 56 254 254 0 14 14 14 14 206 254 124 0 238 238 252 240 252 238 238 0 224 224 224 224 224 252 254 0 198 238 254 214 238 238 238 0 198 230 246 254 238 230 230 0 124 198 198 198 198 254 124 0 252 6 254 252 224 224 224 0 124 198 198 198 204 254 118 0 252 6 254 252 238 238 238 0 126 0 248 126 14 254 252 0 254 0 56 56 56 56 56 0 230 230 230 230 230 254 254 0 230 230 230 230 254 124 56 0 198 198 214 254 238 198 198 0 198 238 124 56 124 238 198 0 230 230 124 56 56 56 56 0 254 28 56 112 224 254 254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 255 187 255 223 255 251 255 60 126 223 253 255 247 126 60 255 255 255 255 255 123 49 0 255 255 255 255 222 158 12 8 63 127 127 127 63 31 63 127 127 63 63 31 63 127 63 31 0 49 123 255 255 255 255 255 8 12 158 222 255 255 255 255 254 252 248 248 252 254 252 248 248 252 254 254 252 248 248 252 0 0 32 80 255 126 68 34 4 12 30 56 16 16 32 64 0 0 4 10 255 126 34 68 32 48 120 28 8 8 4 2], man0= [ 0 254 16 16 28 24 28 20 24 36 42 46 52 0 0 8 8 16 16 0 0 0 127 8 8 56 24 56 40 24 36 84 116 44 0 0 16 16 8 8 0 0], man1= [ 0 254 16 16 16 20 20 20 16 48 49 48 48 8 24 16 16 32 32 32 32 0 127 8 8 8 40 40 40 8 12 140 12 12 16 24 8 8 4 4 4 4], rotor=[254 124 56 16 56 124 127 62 28 8 28 62], can=[24 60 126 90 195 195 219 255], dldata= [ 112 112 112 68 0 misc_page 4 6 11 6 139 48], dldata2= [ 112 70 160 misc_page 136 65 0 dl_page], manadr=[0 21],rotoradr=[0 6], missile,mdata=[3 12 48 192], mx(4),my(4),id(20),ary,screen,dlist CARD pmb,cb,a,temp,b,high CARD ARRAY table(bytes),fall(20) INT xd,yd,oxd,oyd,ii,score,shield INT ARRAY mxd(4) PROC SetVbv=$E45C(BYTE aa,bb,cc) PROC Vblank() [$48] ; PHA vscrol=ys hscrol=xs+xsm [$68] ; PLA [$4C $62 $E4] ; JMP XITVBV RETURN PROC Dli() BYTE d [ $48 $8A $48 $98 $48 $A5 $AC $48 $A5 $AE $48 $A5 $AF $48 ] ; PHA ; TXA PHA TYA PHA LDA $AC PHA ; LDA $AE PHA LDA $AF PHA wsync=0 IF vcount<64 THEN chbase=chbas+2 colpf0=fore colpf4=bak IF enable=1 THEN colpf1=202 colpf2=(rtclok RSH 1)&$3A colpf3=6 ELSE colpf1=0 colpf2=0 colpf3=0 FI ELSE chbase=chbas colpf1=202 colpf4=64 FI [ $68 $85 $AF $68 $85 $AE $68 $85 $AC $68 $A8 $68 $AA $68] ; PLA STA $AF PLA STA $AE ; PLA STA $AC PLA TAY PLA TAX ; PLA [$40] ; RTI RETURN PROC Wait(BYTE w) BYTE w1 w1=rtclok DO until rtclok=W1+w OD RETURN PROC PmSet() sdmctl=62 gractl=3 hitclr=0 pcolr0=152 pcolr1=118 gprior=33 pmbase=pmb_page chbas=cb_page RETURN PROC ZeroOut() Zero(missile,1280) FOR i=0 TO 3 DO hposp(i)=0 hposm(i)=0 OD SndRst() RETURN PROC DoPhase() phase==+1 IF phase=6 THEN phase=0 FI RETURN PROC DoScore() IF score>1000 THEN end=5 FI dindex=2 rowcrs=4 colcrs=14 PrintBD(6,packs) rowcrs=6 colcrs=14 PrintD(6," ") rowcrs=6 colcrs=14 PrintID(6,score) dindex=6 Plot(fuel,5) Plot(shield,7) RETURN PROC ChargeShield() IF carried<>0 THEN shield==+carried LSH 2 score==+carried*50 DoScore() SndRst() FOR i=1 TO 250 step 10 DO Sound(3,250-i,10,6) Wait(1) OD Sound(3,0,0,0) carried=0 fuel=50 whine=0 color=1 Plot(0,5) DrawTo(fuel,5) Plot(0,7) DrawTo(shield,7) color=0 FI hitclr=0 RETURN PROC CheckShake() IF Rand(0)=255 AND Rand(5)=0 AND shake=0 THEN shake=Rand(10)+10 shield==-Rand(20) IF shield<0 THEN shield=0 FI IF shield=0 THEN end=2 FI Plot(159,7) DrawTo(shield,7) FI IF shakec<>0 THEN shakec==-1 ELSE shakec=60 IF shake<>0 THEN shake==-1 j=Rand(10) IF fall(j)=0 THEN a=table(cy)+cx+Rand(20) IF screen(a)=0 THEN fall(j)=a id(j)=rock screen(a)=rock FI FI Sound(2,255-shake,2,6) xsm=Rand(5) ELSE xsm=0 Sound(2,0,0,0) FI FI RETURN PROC CheckFuel() IF (rtclok=0 or rtclok=128) AND fuel<>0 THEN DoScore() fuel==-1 FI RETURN PROC EndGame() Zero(Misc_adr+80,80) ZeroOut() dindex=2 rowcrs=4 colcrs=0 IF end=1 THEN PrintDE(6," NO PACKS LEFT") ELSEIF end=2 THEN PrintDE(6," SHIELD DEPLETED") ELSEIF end=3 THEN PrintDE(6," CANNISTER RUPTURED") ELSEIF end=4 THEN PrintD(6," TOO MANY CANNISTERS") ELSEIF end=5 THEN PrintDE(6," ARCADIA THANKS YOU") FI PutDE(6) PrintDE(6," game over") FOR a=1 TO 400 DO Sound(0,a RSH 1,8,6) DO UNTIL vcount=128 OD FOR i=0 TO 60 DO colpf0=vcount+rtclok wsync=0 OD OD RETURN PROC GetDir() joy=15!Stick(0) xd=0 yd=0 IF (joy&8)<>0 THEN xd=1 FI IF (joy&4)<>0 THEN xd=-1 FI IF (joy&2)<>0 THEN yd=2 FI IF (joy&1)<>0 THEN yd=-1 FI IF xd<>0 or yd<>0 THEN oxd=xd oyd=yd FI RETURN PROC Scroll() IF (joy&4)<>0 THEN xs==+1 x==+1 IF xs=8 THEN IF cx=0 THEN xs==-1 ELSE cx==-1 xs=0 FI FI ELSEIF (joy&8)<>0 THEN xs==-1 x==-1 IF xs=255 THEN IF cx=44 THEN xs==+1 ELSE cx==+1 xs=7 FI FI FI IF (joy&2)<>0 THEN ys==+1 y==-2 IF ys=8 THEN IF cy=68 THEN ys==-1 ELSE cy==+1 ys=0 FI FI ELSEIF (joy&1)<>0 THEN ys==-1 y==+1 IF ys=255 THEN IF cy=0 THEN ys==+1 ELSE cy==-1 ys=7 FI FI FI DO UNTIL vcount=128 OD ary=@a a=screen+table(cy)+cx j=12 FOR i=0 TO 17 DO dlist(j+1)=ary(0) dlist(j+2)=ary(1) j==+3 a==+bytes OD RETURN PROC MoveMan() Zero(pmb+y,26) Zero(pmb+256+y,26) x==+xd y==+yd hposp(0)=x hposp(1)=x IF xd>0 THEN face=0 ELSEIF xd<0 THEN face=1 FI a=pmb+y+(phase RSH 2) temp=manadr(face) MoveBlock(a,man0+temp,21) MoveBlock(a+256,man1+temp,21) a=pmb+y+1 a==+phase RSH 2 i=rotor(rotoradr(face)+phase) Poke(a,i) Poke(a+256,i) Sound(0,phase LSH 2-(yd LSH 3),8,2) RETURN PROC GoBoom() SndRst() Zero(missile,256) mx(0)=0 mx(1)=0 Wait(30) ary=pmb+y FOR i=0 TO 170 DO FOR j=1 to 20 DO colpm0=64+Rand(8) LSH 1 colpm1=64+Rand(8) LSH 1 wsync=0 OD k=Rand(24) ary(k)==&Rand(0) k=Rand(24) ary(k+256)==&Rand(0) Sound(1,i,4,6) Wait(1) OD Zero(pmb,512) SndRst() pcolr0=152 pcolr1=118 Wait(20) enable=0 FOR i=0 TO 14 step 2 DO fore=46-i Wait(5) OD fore=0 Wait(60) hitclr=0 carried=0 whine=0 shake=0 face=0 packs==-1 IF packs=0 THEN end=1 FI FOR i=0 TO 19 DO screen(fall(i))=0 fall(i)=0 OD fuel=50 color=1 Plot(0,5) DrawTo(fuel,5) color=0 x=84 y=110 cx=0 cy=0 xs=7 ys=0 DoScore() Scroll() MoveMan() fore=36 enable=1 RETURN PROC GetCan() i=x-35 j=y-50 i==RSH 3 j==RSH 3 a=table(j+cy)+i+cx IF screen(a)=159 THEN screen(a)=0 carried==+1 IF carried=11 THEN end=4 FI whine=200 hitclr=0 FI RETURN PROC Falling(CARD bb) j=screen(bb-64) IF j=159 OR j=rock THEN FOR k=10 TO 19 DO IF fall(k)=0 THEN fall(k)=bb-64 id(k)=j EXIT FI OD Falling(bb-64) FI RETURN PROC ZapIt(BYTE zz) atract=0 l=mxd(zz)+2 j=mx(zz)-31-l RSH 2-xs k=my(zz)-72+ys j==RSH 3 k==RSH 3 missile(my(zz))==&255-mdata(zz) mx(zz)=0 a=table(cy+k)+cx+j IF screen(a)=159 THEN end=3 FI IF screen(a)=rock THEN score==+2 FI bak=70 fore=12 FOR j=0 TO 10 DO screen(a)=65 FOR k=1 TO 100 DO OD screen(a)=0 FOR k=1 TO 100 DO OD Sound(1,200,2,15-j) OD bak=0 fore=36 screen(a)=0 Sound(1,0,0,0) hitclr=0 score==-1 DoScore() Falling(a) RETURN PROC Bump() i=pxpf(0) j=pxpf(1) IF (i&1)<>0 OR (j&1)<>0 OR (i&8)<>0 OR (j&8)<>0 THEN GoBoom() ELSEIF (i&2)<>0 OR (j&2)<>0 THEN ChargeShield() ELSEIF (i&4)<>0 OR (j&4)<>0 THEN GetCan() FI IF mxpf(0)<>0 THEN ZapIt(0) FI IF mxpf(1)<>0 THEN ZapIt(1) FI RETURN PROC StartMiss() IF Strig(0)=0 AND flag=0 THEN flag=1 mc==!1 IF mx(mc)=0 THEN missile(my(mc))==&(255!mdata(mc)) my(mc)=y+10 missile(my(mc))==%mdata(mc) mx(mc)=(x+4+face RSH 3)&254 mxd(mc)=face LSH 2-2 FI FI flag=Strig(0)!1 RETURN PROC MoveMiss() j=2 FOR i=0 TO 1 DO temp=mx(i) IF temp<>0 THEN temp==-mxd(i) hposm(i)=temp IF x>temp THEN k=x-temp ELSE k=temp-x FI Sound(1,k,12,8) ELSE j==-1 FI mx(i)=temp IF j=0 THEN Sound(1,0,0,0) FI OD RETURN PROC MoveRocks() FOR i=0 TO 19 DO temp=fall(i) IF temp<>0 THEN IF screen(temp)=0 THEN temp=0 ELSE a=temp+64 IF screen(a)<>0 THEN temp=0 IF id(i)=159 THEN end=3 FI ELSE screen(temp)=0 screen(a)=id(i) temp==+64 FI FI FI fall(i)=temp OD RETURN PROC CheckRocks() fallc==-1 IF fallc=0 THEN fallc=20 MoveRocks() FI RETURN PROC DrawWall(CARD st BYTE cc,in,len) BYTE ii,jj CARD tt screen(st)=1 tt=st+in FOR ii=1 TO len-2 DO jj=Rand(2) screen(tt)=cc+jj tt==+in OD screen(tt)=1 RETURN PROC DrawCaves() sdmctl=0 sdslst=dlist Zero(sc_adr,5120) Zero(misc_adr,512) FOR i=0 TO 11 DO dlist(i)=dldata(i) OD a=screen j=12 FOR i=0 TO 17 DO dlist(j)=64+32+16+6 dlist(j+1)=a&$FF dlist(j+2)=a RSH 8 j==+3 a==+bytes OD dlist(j-3)=128+64+16+6 FOR i=0 to 7 DO dlist(j+i)=dldata2(i) OD txtmsc=misc_adr FOR i=0 TO 7 DO Poke(misc_adr+17+i,79+i) Poke(misc_adr+57+i,87+i) OD rowcrs=2 colcrs=0 PrintE("fuel packs:") colcrs=0 PrintE("shield score:") PrintE(" by mike stortz") dindex=6 color=1 Plot(0,5) DrawTo(fuel,5) Plot(0,7) DrawTo(shield,7) a=0 FOR i=0 TO 7 DO FOR j=0 TO 15 DO k=Rand(32) IF (k&16)<>0 THEN k==%4 FI IF (k&1)<>0 THEN DrawWall(a,3,1,4) FI IF (k&2)<>0 THEN DrawWall(a+3,5,bytes,10) FI IF (k&4)<>0 THEN DrawWall(a+576,7,1,4) IF Rand(5)=0 THEN screen(a+514)=rock FI FI IF (k&8)<>0 THEN DrawWall(a,9,bytes,10) FI IF (K&16)<>0 AND j>0 AND j<15 THEN screen(a+513)=159 FI a==+4 OD a==+576 OD FOR a=8 TO 68 STEP 10 DO i=(Rand(14)+1) LSH 2 FOR j=i+1 TO i+2 DO screen(table(a)+j)=0 screen(table(a+1)+j)=0 screen(table(a+2)+j)=0 OD OD screen(69)=95 screen(70)=95 screen(133)=95 screen(134)=95 PmSet() RETURN PROC Title() BYTE t Graphics(21) PmSet() ZeroOut() Zero(missile,1280) Zero(misc_adr,3000) screen=savmsc dlist=sdslst colr0=150 colr1=146 colr2=40 colr3=68 colr4=64 k=0 FOR i=6 TO 13 DO FOR j=8 TO 15 DO screen(j*20+i)=logo(k) k==+1 OD OD FOR i=6 TO 13 DO FOR j=16 TO 23 DO screen(j*20+i)=logo(k) k==+1 OD OD dlist(31)=32 dlist(32)=64+32+6 dlist(33)=0 dlist(34)=misc_page b=misc_adr FOR i=35 TO 43 DO dlist(i)=32+6 OD dlist(44)=6 FOR i=45 TO 52 DO dlist(i)=0 OD dindex=0 lmargin=1 dlist(10)=6 savmsc==+100 PrintD(6," last ") PrintID(6,score) colcrs=10 PrintD(6,"high ") PrintCD(6,high) savmsc=misc_adr+300 rowcrs=0 colcrs=1 PrintDE(6," reserve ore ") PrintDE(6,"transport operation") PrintDE(6," THE CITY OF ") PrintDE(6,"ARCADIA IS UNDER ") PrintDE(6,"ATTACK. YOUR JOB ") PrintDE(6,"IS TO RECOVER FUEL") PrintDE(6,"CANNISTERS OF HYKE") PrintDE(6,"AND RETURN THEM TO") PrintDE(6,"THE UPPER LEFT END") PrintDE(6,"OF THE CAVERNS. IF") savmsc==+400 rowcrs=0 colcrs=1 PrintDE(6,"YOUR SCORE EXCEEDS") PrintDE(6,"1000, ARCADIA HAS ") PrintDE(6,"HELD OUT LONG ") PrintDE(6,"ENOUGH FOR HELP TO") PrintDE(6,"ARRIVE. DON'T ") PrintDE(6,"SHOOT A CANNISTER ") PrintDE(6,"OR CARRY MORE THAN") PrintDE(6,"10 AT A TIME, AND ") PrintDE(6,"DON'T RUN INTO A ") PrintDE(6,"WALL. GOOD LUCK! ") savmsc==+400 rowcrs=0 colcrs=1 PutDE(6) PrintDE(6," press START") PRINTDE(6," to play") x=86 y=58 yd=-1 xd=0 ys=0 xs=0 phase=0 l=0 DO IF yd=-1 THEN yd=0 xd=2 gprior=36 ELSEIF yd=1 THEN yd=0 xd=-2 gprior=33 ELSEIF xd=-2 THEN xd=0 yd=-1 ELSE xd=0 yd=1 FI FOR t=0 TO 39 DO IF xd=-2 and x=150 THEN gprior=36 FI IF xd=-2 and x=116 THEN gprior=33 FI MoveMan() DoPhase() l==+1 IF l=2 THEN l=0 ys==+1 FI IF ys=8 THEN ys=0 b==+20 IF b=misc_adr+1320 THEN b=misc_adr FI DO UNTIL vcount=128 OD dlist(33)=Peek(@b) dlist(34)=Peek(@b+1) FI Wait(2) IF consol=6 OR Strig(0)=0 THEN EXIT FI OD UNTIL consol=6 OR Strig(0)=0 OD ch=255 SndRst() RETURN PROC Init() skstat=3 audctl=0 high=0 score=0 MoveBlock(cb_adr,57344,1024) MoveBlock(cb_adr+128,cset,80) MoveBlock(cb_adr+264,cset+80,208) MoveBlock(cb_adr+512,cset+288,120) MoveBlock(cb_adr+632,logo,128) MoveBlock(cb_adr+760,can,8) pmb=pmb_page*256+1024 missile=pmb-256 a=0 FOR i=0 TO 79 DO table(i)=a a==+bytes OD SetVbv(7,Vblank RSH 8,Vblank&$FF) vdslst=Dli nmien=192 RETURN PROC LoopInit() colr0=68 colr1=40 colr4=64 screen=sc_adr dlist=dl_adr savmsc=misc_adr PmSet() ZeroOut() phase=0 face=0 mc=1 flag=0 cx=0 cy=0 xs=7 ys=0 x=84 y=110 bak=0 fore=36 enable=1 fallc=1 packs=3 score=0 fuel=50 shield=50 whine=0 carried=0 end=0 shake=0 shakec=0 xsm=0 FOR i=0 TO 19 DO id(i)=0 fall(i)=0 OD mx(0)=0 mx(1)=0 RETURN PROC GameLoop() vdslst=Dli nmien=192 GetDir() IF fuel=0 THEN yd=2 joy==%2 ELSE DoPhase() FI MoveMan() IF x<70 OR x>176 OR y<90 OR y>172 THEN Scroll() ELSE Wait(1) FI CheckFuel() CheckShake() CheckRocks() StartMiss() MoveMiss() Bump() IF whine<>0 THEN whine==-1 Sound(3,whine,10,4) IF whine=0 THEN Sound(3,0,0,0) FI FI IF ch<255 THEN ch=255 SndRst() DO UNTIL ch<255 OR consol<>7 OR Strig(0)=0 OD ch=255 FI RETURN PROC Game() Init() DO Title() Graphics(0) crsinh=1 LoopInit() DrawCaves() DoScore() color=0 DO GameLoop() UNTIL consol<>7 OR end<>0 OD IF end<>0 THEN EndGame() FI IF score>0 AND score>high THEN high=score FI OD SetVbv(7,$E4,$62) ZeroOut() Graphics(0) RETURN
PDF: roto_action.pdf