Query Console Keys#
General Information
Author: Paul B. Loux
Language: ACTION!
Compiler/Interpreter: ACTION!
Published: 1986
How to use#
Description: three functions are provided which test if the user is pressing one of the START, SELECT or OPTION console buttons. Returns a one if pressed, zero if not.
;************************************ ;* * ;*(C)Copyright 1986 by Paul B. Loux * ;* * ;* These routines are in the public * ;* domain, and are not to be sold * ;* for a profit. They may be freely * ;* distributed, provided that this * ;* header remains in place. Use and * ;* enjoy! PBL, CIS 72337,2073. * ;* * ;************************************ ;* * ;* File CONSOL.LIB * ;* * ;* Description: three functions * ;* are provided which test if * ;* the user is pressing one of * ;* the START, SELECT or OPTION * ;* console buttons. Returns a * ;* one if pressed, zero if not. * ;* * ;************************************ MODULE BYTE CONSOL=$D01F BYTE FUNC Start() IF CONSOL&1 THEN RETURN(0) FI RETURN(1) BYTE FUNC Select() IF CONSOL&2 THEN RETURN(0) FI RETURN(1) BYTE FUNC Option() IF CONSOL&4 THEN RETURN(0) FI RETURN(1) ;************************************ ; ; Example of usage: PROC Test6() BYTE value DO IF Start() THEN PRINTE("Start") FI IF Option() THEN PRINTE("Option") FI IF Select() THEN PRINTE("Select") FI OD RETURN