How to find the revision number of ACTION!#

The Action! cartridge itself has gone through a couple of changes since its first appearance in August 1983. You can tell which version you have by using the "?" (display memory) command in the monitor to examine cartridge address $BOOO. To jump into the monitor simply press SHIFT & CONTROL & M to jump into the monitor in ACTION! If this byte equals $31 hex, you have the original Version 3.1. A value of $33 indicates Version 3.3, in which a number of minor 3.1 bugs have been corrected. The final version is 3.6 ($36 at $BOOO), which should be ready soon after you read this. OSS has always been very good about maintaining their products, so you shouldn't have any trouble getting an upgrade if you need one. Consult OSS for prices and availability.