General Information #
Author: Dan BullokLanguage: ACTION!
Compiler/Interpreter: ACTION!
Published: Analog #28 (03/ 85)
Demon Birds#
You are the last Wizard of Akturnis, the strange and mystical world where magic can be worked by anyone with the will to do so. But, in the past few years, people habe lost their faith in Wizards and magic. Now the evil Demon Birds have begun to plague them, and you are their only hope.
To save the People or Akturnis, you must enter the dreaded Valley of Deatz and destroy all of the Demon Birds found there.
Your Wizard starts the game woth four lives and fifty units of energy. For every bird you destroy, you will gain two units of energy. However, every time you cast a fireball, you lose one unit of energy.
You move your Wizard left and rigt at the bottom of the screen, using the joystick. You may cast a fireball by pressing the red button while moving in the direction in which you wish it to travel.
Ridding your people of the Demon Birds will not be easy. If you are struck by one of the evil birds, or are hit by a meteor from the sky, you will lose one life. You'll also lose a life if your energy reaches zero. Furthermore, the ground in the valley is very unstable, because it sits on top of a pool of lava. If you stand in one place for too long, the ground will opn up, and your Wizard will be lost.
Disk instructions.#
- Type in Listing 1 and SAVE it to disk under the filename “D:BIRDS". You must have 48K and the Action! cartridge.
- Reboot your computer and enter the monitor. Type C “BIRDS”.
- When the disk drive stops, type W “AUTORUN.SYS" to save the object code to disk.
- Whenever you want to play Demon Birds, insert the Action! cartridge into the left slot. Insert the disk with the AUTORUN.SYS file into drive one and turn on the computer. The program will load and run automatically.
Cassette instructions.#
- Type in Listing 1 and SAVE it to cassette. You must have at least 48K and the Action! cartridge.
- Reboot your computer and enter the monitor. Type C "C:".
- When the cassette stops, type W “C:" to save the object code to cassette.
- Whenever you want to play Demon Birds, insert the Action! cartridge into the left slot. Insert the cassette with the object code into the cassette recorder. Turn on the computer and enter the monitor. Type R "C:". The program will load and run automatically.
;****************** ;* * ;* Demon Birds * ;* by * ;* Dan Bullok * ;* * ;****************** ;Data For Player 0 BYTE ARRAY p0=[12 12 12 12 4 12 14 30 29 45 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 12 12 12 12 4 12 14 14 13 30 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 50 12 12 12 12 4 12 14 14 14 30 12 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 24 12 12 12 12 4 12 12 12 14 14 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 6 48 48 48 48 32 48 112 120 184 180 176 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 48 48 48 48 32 48 112 112 176 120 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 76 48 48 48 48 32 48 112 112 112 120 48 0 0 0 0 0 32 32 0 24 48 48 48 48 32 48 48 48 112 112 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 96] ;Data For Player 1 BYTE ARRAY p1=[0 0 0 0 4 12 14 30 29 13 12 12 28 28 20 50 34 34 34 102 0 0 0 0 4 12 14 14 13 14 8 12 12 12 28 24 20 20 18 50 0 0 0 0 4 12 14 14 14 14 8 12 12 28 28 8 12 12 8 24 0 0 0 0 4 12 12 12 14 14 12 12 12 12 12 20 20 18 50 6 0 0 0 0 32 48 112 120 184 176 48 48 56 56 40 76 68 68 68 102 0 0 0 0 32 48 112 112 176 112 16 48 48 48 56 24 40 40 72 76 0 0 0 0 32 48 112 112 112 112 16 48 48 56 56 16 48 48 16 24 0 0 0 0 32 48 48 48 112 112 48 48 48 48 48 40 40 72 76 96] ;Meteor Data BYTE ARRAY ball=[60 126 255 255 255 255 126 60], ball2(8),coordstore(30) ;Character Set BYTE ARRAY chset= [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 32 160 168 168 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 0 128 128 128 162 170 170 170 128 128 128 136 136 168 170 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 170 170 0 0 2 34 42 170 170 170 0 2 2 2 34 42 42 170 0 0 0 2 2 34 42 170 0 5 85 1 1 1 0 0 20 92 85 64 64 64 64 0 0 1 1 1 5 85 0 0 64 64 64 84 92 85 0 0 20 53 85 1 1 1 1 0 0 80 85 64 64 64 0 0 1 1 1 21 53 85 0 0 0 64 64 64 80 85 0 0 252 254 102 102 102 254 252 0 0 0 60 102 124 96 56 14 0 0 254 255 219 219 219 3 0 0 63 102 102 102 60 0 0 0 220 102 102 102 246 7 252 254 102 126 102 254 252 0 24 0 56 24 24 24 62 0 0 0 223 96 96 96 240 0 14 12 252 204 204 204 119 0 0 0 62 96 60 6 252 0 0 195 60 60 60 195 0 0], chset2= [15 31 63 120 120 120 124 127 248 252 252 28 28 28 28 220 127 124 124 126 126 126 126 60 220 28 28 28 28 20 20 8 126 126 127 127 121 121 124 124 8 28 28 28 156 156 220 220 126 126 127 127 127 127 127 62 252 124 124 60 60 20 20 8 96 112 112 112 112 112 112 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 124 124 126 126 127 127 63 0 0 0 0 0 248 236 248 63 127 127 120 112 112 112 120 248 252 252 28 28 28 28 28 120 124 124 126 126 127 127 63 28 28 28 28 28 244 244 248 63 127 127 120 112 112 112 121 248 252 252 0 0 0 0 248 120 124 124 126 126 127 127 63 252 124 28 28 28 244 244 248] ;Notes for song BYTE ARRAY notes= [243 243 162 182 162 182 193 243], notes1= [162 96 108 121 108 121 128 162], dur=[10 10 30 6 6 6 10 20], increase=[2 0] ;y-positions of birds BYTE ARRAY strafey= [10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 19 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 11 12 11 10 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 07 08 10 12 14 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 17 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 14 13 12 12 11 10 10 10 09 08 08 08 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 18 18 17 17 16 15 15 14 14 14 14 12 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 19 20 20 19 19 18 16 15 14 13 12 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 16 15 14 13 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 19 19 19 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14] BYTE ARRAY flapinc=[1 0], bexist(10) BYTE bcount,char1,char2,dieflag,bx, by,fallx,fally,fallflag,bflap ;Miscellaneous variables BYTE a,b,c,d,e,x=[100],y=[154], ctr=[0],dir,fx,fy,fireflag,df, mx=[10],my=[10],chad,men=[4], memory,gflag=[1] ;Hardware registers BYTE vcount=54283,colpf0=53270, colpf1=53271,colpf2=53272, colpf3=53273,wsync=54282, chbase=54281,random=53770, consol=53279,rtclock=20,ch=764 CARD pmbase,ac,bc,cc,vdslst=512, dli1vec,score=[0],energy=[50] PROC Dli2() ;Changes color of text window to red [72 169 68 141 10 212 141 24 208 169 0 141 23 208] vdslst=dli1vec [104 64] RETURN PROC Dli1() ;Changes color of ground to Brown [72 169 20 141 10 212 141 23 208] vdslst=Dli2 [104 64] RETURN INT FUNC DeltaX() ;Returns Delta-X value of stick(0) BYTE aa INT xx aa=Stick(0) IF aa>12 THEN xx=0 ELSEIF aa<8 THEN xx=1 dir=80 ELSE xx=-1 dir=0 FI RETURN(xx) PROC Center(CARD cnum BYTE basx,basy) ;right-justifies number IF cnum<10 THEN Position(basx,basy) PrintD(6,"0") ELSEIF cnum<100 THEN Position(basx-1,basy) PrintD(6,"0") ELSEIF cnum<1000 THEN Position(basx-2,basy) PrintD(6,"0") ELSE Position(basx-3,basy) PrintD(6," ") FI PrintCD(6,cnum) RETURN PROC Delay(CARD cnt) ;Delay Loop CARD cnnt FOR cnnt=1 TO cnt DO OD RETURN PROC PMove(CARD pm,add BYTE plr,px,py,pix) ;Moves Player ;Variables passed: ;pm: address of pmbase ;add: address of source image ;plr: # of player to move 0-3 ;px: x-position of player ;py: y-position of player ;pix: number of bytes to move px==+48 py==+32 ;add screen margin offsets ac=pm+1024+plr*256 ;add work space Zero(ac+py-5,pix+10) ;clear area out MoveBlock(ac+py,add,pix) Poke(53248+plr,px) RETURN PROC BirdPos (BYTE xpos,ypos,char1,char2) ;Puts Two bytes, char1 & char2 ;AT xpos, ypos on screen CARD scmem=88 ac=scmem+xpos+(ypos*40) Poke(ac,char1) Poke(ac+1,char2) RETURN PROC Song() FOR a=0 TO 7 DO ;eight notes in song b=notes(a) c=dur(a) d=10 e=notes1(a) FOR ac=1 TO c*40 DO IF ac MOD 100=0 THEN d==-1 ;decrement volume FI Sound(0,b,10,d) Sound(1,e,10,d) OD Sound(0,0,0,0) Sound(1,0,0,0) OD RETURN PROC Init() ;Initialize chset,pmg & playfield Poke(106,memory) ;reset top of memory Graphics(0) Poke(559,0) ;turn ANTIC off ;Display List ac=PeekC(560) FOR a=6 TO 24 DO Poke(ac+a,4) ;IR Mode 4 OD Poke(ac+25,164) ;DLI & VSCROLL on Poke(ac+26,164) Poke(ac+27,34) ;VSCROLL Set Poke(ac+28,34) ;colors Poke(706,30) Poke(707,14) Poke(708,68) Poke(709,12) Poke(710,128) Poke(712,128) Poke(752,1) ;cursor off Poke(82,0) ;Left margin-0 ;Character Set a=Peek(106)-8 chad=a Poke(106,a) Poke(756,a) FOR ac=0 TO 1023 DO b=Peek(57344+ac) Poke(a*256+ac,b) OD MoveBlock(a*256+512,chset,224) MoveBlock(a*256+776,chset2,160) ;Player missile graphics a==-16 Poke(106,a) Poke(54279,a) Poke(53277,3) Poke(623,52) pmbase=a*256 Zero(pmbase,2048) ;Playfield Position(14,0) Print("..... .....") ;above is CTRL-Q R S T U V W X Y Z Position(0,21) Print("....................") Print("....................") ;above is CTRL B B D 23-E's F B B Position(0,22) Print(" SCORE: 000000") PrintE(" MEN: 00") Print(" ENERGY: 00000") Center(score,13,22) Center(energy,14,23) Position(31,22) Print("0") PrintC(men) ;DLI's dli1vec=Dli1 vdslst=Dli1 Poke(54286,192) Poke(559,62) FOR e=0 TO 19 DO ;reset x & y values coordstore(e)=0 OD FOR e=20 TO 29 DO ;random wing flaps coordstore(e)=Rand(2) OD fallflag=0 ;disable meteor RETURN PROC CntFire() ;Continue firing cc=PeekC(88) bc=fy*40+fx Sound(0,fy+fy+180,10,fy/2) Poke(cc+bc,0) ;Erase Fireball ;Check for Illegal coordinates IF fx=2 OR fx=37 OR fy=2 THEN fireflag=0 Sound(0,0,0,0) RETURN FI ;Increment positions fx==+df fy==-1 cc=PeekC(88) bc=fy*40+fx c=Peek(cc+bc) ;Object under fireball Poke(cc+bc,219) ;fireball character Delay(300) IF c THEN ;check what under fireball FOR e=0 TO 5 DO ;Which bird hit? IF bexist(e)=1 THEN a=coordstore(e) b=coordstore(10+e) IF a<fx+2 AND a>fx-2 AND fy=b THEN bexist(e)=0 BirdPos(a,b,0,0) PMove(pmbase,ball2,3,fx*4, fy*8,8);put explosion Delay(200) FI FI OD Sound(0,150,8,10) Delay(3000) ;Clear player 3 area Zero(pmbase+fy*8+1824,8) energy==+2 fireflag=0 Sound(0,0,0,0) score==+1 ;increase score Poke(cc+bc,0) FI Poke(cc+bc,0) RETURN PROC Title() ;Prints out title page Graphics(17) Poke(559,0);turn ANTIC off ;Display list ac=PeekC(560) Poke(ac+13,7) Poke(ac+15,4) Poke(ac+13,7) Poke(756,chad+2) Position(3,2) PrintD(6,"ABEFABIJMNQR") Position(3,3) PrintD(6,"CDGHCDKLOPST") Position(5,5) PrintD(6,"PRESENTS") Position(4,8) PrintD(6,"12345 6789:") Position(3,15) PrintD(6,"BY DAN BULLOK") Position(0,18) PrintD(6," press start") Position(5,10) PrintD(6," .. .. .. .. ") PrintD(6,".. ") ;above=space INVERSE CTRL-I J 4spaces ;CTRL-K L 4spaces CTRL-I J 4spaces ;CTRL-K L 4spaces CTRL-I J 2spaces ;PMG stuff Poke(53277,3) Poke(623,32) Poke(704,28) Poke(705,128) Poke(708,12) Poke(709,92) Poke(712,134) PMove(pmbase,p0,0,119,131,20) PMove(pmbase,p1,1,119,131,20) Poke(559,62);Turn ANTIC back on WHILE consol#6 DO colpf3=random ;flash start wsync=0 ;wait for sync ;scroll colors in Demon Birds colpf2=128-vcount+(rtclock RSH 3) IF vcount=34 THEN chbase=chad colpf0=26 ELSEIF vcount=41 THEN chbase=chad+2 ELSEIF vcount=58 THEN chbase=chad colpf0=68 ELSEIF vcount=65 THEN colpf0=168 FI OD RETURN PROC GameOver() ;Game Over message SndRst() gflag=1 Poke(106,memory) Poke(623,4) Poke(53277,0) Graphics(17) Poke(559,0) Poke(708,14) Poke(709,70) Poke(710,128) Poke(711,0) Poke(712,136) ac=PeekC(560) Poke(ac+9,7) ;Graphics(2) at line 4 Position(5,4) PrintDE(6,"game over") Position(4,10) PrintDE(6,"final SCORE:") Position(7,12) PrintD(6,"000000") Center(score,10,12) Position(4,18) PrintDE(6,"press start") Poke(559,34) WHILE consol#6 DO wsync=0 colpf3=vcount+rtclock/2 OD RETURN PROC NewMan() ;Materialize New Wizard Zero(pmbase,2048) Poke(704,78) Poke(705,78) FOR a=0 TO 100 STEP 2 DO FOR b=0 TO 7 DO ball2(b)=ball(b)&random Sound(1,a+a,8,a/10) OD PMove(pmbase,ball2,0,a,y,8) PMove(pmbase,ball2,1,200-a,y,8) OD Zero(pmbase,2048) ;clear pm area b=10 ;materialize man FOR a=0 TO 20 STEP 2 DO b=10-a/2 PMove(pmbase,p0+b,0,100,y+b,a) PMove(pmbase,p1+b,1,100,y+b,a) Poke(704,30-a/10) Poke(705,140-a/2) FOR c=0 TO 100+a*6 DO d=255-c Sound(1,d,10,10-a/2) OD OD Sound(1,0,0,0) Poke(704,28) Poke(705,130) x=100 y=154 fireflag=0 rtclock=0 RETURN PROC Die() ;Death of wizard ;Puts player data in missile area ;and blows player apart into 4 pieces BYTE ARRAY image(20) Poke(704,14) Poke(705,14) ;spins player around FOR a=0 TO 15 DO PMove(pmbase,p0+40,0,x,y,20) PMove(pmbase,p1+40,1,x,y,20) Delay(1000) PMove(pmbase,p0+120,0,x,y,20) PMove(pmbase,p1+120,1,x,y,20) Delay(1000-a*30) Sound(0,155-a*10,10,a) OD SndRst() Zero(pmbase,2048) FOR a=0 TO 20 DO image(a)=p0(a)%p1(a) OD FOR a=0 TO 20 DO image(a)=image(a) RSH 1 OD MoveBlock(pmbase+800+y,image,20) Poke(711,14) ;blows player apart FOR a=0 TO 100 DO Poke(53254,x-a+48) Poke(53253,x-a/2+48) Poke(53252,x+a/2+48) Poke(53255,x+a+48) Sound(0,a/3,8,a/12) Delay(a) OD SndRst() RETURN PROC Move() ;move wizard ctr==+20 ;image counter IF ctr=80 THEN ctr=0 ;reset counter if too big FI x=x+DeltaX() IF x<10 THEN x=10 ELSEIF x>142 THEN x=142 FI IF DeltaX()=0 THEN ctr==-20 ;if player is not moving Delay(250) IF ctr>60 THEN ctr=60 FI ;If player stood still too long, ;Make him sink in the mud IF rtclock>80 THEN Birdpos(x/4-1,21,0,0) Birdpos(x/4+1,21,0,0) SndRst() FOR c=0 TO 24 DO PMove(pmbase,p0,0,x,y+c,26-c) PMove(pmbase,p1,1,x,y+c,26-c) Delay(3000) Sound(0,c+150,10,5) OD Sound(0,0,0,0) dieflag=1 FI ELSE Poke(20,0) PMove(pmbase,p0+ctr+dir,0,x,y,20) PMove(pmbase,p1+ctr+dir,1,x,y,20) FI IF ctr=40 AND DeltaX()#0 THEN ;click feet Poke(53279,0) Poke(53279,8) ELSE Delay(250) FI IF fireflag THEN CntFire() ELSEIF STrig(0)=0 THEN fireflag=1 fx=x/4+1 fy=20 df=DeltaX() energy==-1 ELSE Delay(300) FI RETURN PROC GetReady() Graphics(18) Position(5,5) PrintD(6,"GET ready") Poke(623,4) ;players behind playfields Poke(53277,0) FOR ac=1 TO 20000 DO wsync=0 colpf0=128-vcount+rtclock RSH 2 colpf1=vcount+rtclock RSH 2 OD RETURN PROC MainLoop() BYTE mcount,lum ;Infinite Loop DO ;7 player moves to one bird move FOR mcount=1 TO 7 DO IF random<10 AND fallflag=0 THEN fallx=Rand(140)+10 ;drop meteor fally=10 fallflag=1 ELSEIF fallflag THEN fally==+5 fallx==+Rand(5)-2 FOR b=0 TO 7 DO ;random ball ball2(b)=ball(b)&random OD PMove(pmbase,ball2,2,fallx, fally,8) Sound(0,fally,8,fally/10) IF fally>170 THEN ;hit bottom? fallflag=0 Zero(pmbase+1536,256) Sound(0,0,0,0) FI FI Poke(53278,1) ;hitclr Move() Poke(711,random) ;flash bird eyes ;kill wizard IF energy=65535 OR Peek(53252)=1 OR dieflag#0 OR Peek(53262)#0 THEN men==-1 energy=20 SndRst() ;Turn birds off FOR e=0 TO 5 DO bexist(e)=0 BirdPos(coordstore(e), coordstore(e+10),0,0) OD IF men=0 OR men>10 THEN gflag=0 EXIT ELSE IF dieflag THEN dieflag=0 ELSE Die() FI rtclock=0 GetReady() Init() Newman() Poke(20,0) FI FI OD IF gflag=0 THEN EXIT FI ;Shake earth e=Rand(4) Poke(54277,e) b=Rand(10) Sound(1,50+b*20,8,e+3) y=154-e PMove(pmbase,p0+ctr+dir,0,x,y,20) PMove(pmbase,p1+ctr+dir,1,x,y,20) ;If a bird isn't on screen, ;put it there if random<30 FOR e=0 TO 5 DO IF bexist(e)=0 AND random<30 THEN bexist(e)=1 IF e MOD 2=0 THEN coordstore(e)=0 ELSE coordstore(e)=39 FI FI OD ;Center score and energy Center(score,13,22) Center(energy,14,23) Position(31,22) Print("0") PrintC(men) ;Start Key ends the game ;Option Key stops the program ;Any key pauses game IF consol=6 THEN EXIT ELSEIF consol=3 THEN Poke(106,memory) Graphics(0) Break() ELSEIF ch#255 THEN ch=255 WHILE ch=255 DO OD ch=255 rtclock=0 FI ;Move all 6 birds FOR bcount=0 TO 5 DO bx=coordstore(bcount) by=coordstore(10+bcount) BirdPos(bx,by,0,0) IF bexist(bcount)=1 THEN bflap=coordstore(20+bcount) char1=201+bflap+bflap+4* (bcount MOD 2) char2=char1+1 bflap=flapinc(bflap) coordstore(20+bcount)=bflap bx==+increase(bcount MOD 2)-1 IF bx=40 THEN bx=0 FI IF bx=255 THEN bx=39 FI coordstore(bcount)=bx by=strafey(bcount*40+bx) by=by coordstore(10+bcount)=by BirdPos(bx,by,char1,char2) FI OD OD RETURN PROC Game() memory=Peek(106) ;Get top of memory DO ;reset variables Men=4 Score=0 Energy=50 Init() Title() ;Title screen Init() Song() Newman() Mainloop() ;play song when game is over Graphics(17) Poke(712,134) Poke(623,4) Poke(53277,0) Song() GameOver() OD RETURN