General Information #
Author: David PlotkinLanguage: ACTION!
Compiler/Interpreter: ACTION!
Published: ANALOG Issue #20
Bounce in Action!#
Bounce, written by Joel Gluck and published in ANALOG issue 15, was a lot of fun to play with, just as Joel predicted it would be. The obvious enhancements that sprang to mind included a higher resolution screen and multiple colors. Unfortunately, higher resolution (and more than four colors) means more points to draw, and BASIC slows to a crawl. Fortunately, Action! from OSS presents an alternative, so I translated and modified the program into Action! Try punching it in; I think you'll agree that the color patterns and dynamic "ball" are fascinating to watch. To use this updated version of Bounce, you must have the Action! cartridge installed in your Atari. The program works pretty much like the original: You draw "walls" with your joystick, then hit the space bar to start the ball bouncing. Hitting the space bar again stops the bounce, so you can draw more walls with your joystick, or erase by pushing the fire button. If you press the ESCAPE key while the bouncing is stopped, you will return to the menu screen to review the commands. The program uses Graphics 11, so there are fifteen colors on the screen, and the color of the line drawn changes each time the cursor bounces. The left arrow key (CONTROL *) changes the speed of the bouncing cursor; at the highest speed it's really moving. It can go even faster if you delete the DO OD loops following the sound statements. You will lose the sounds of the bounce if you do, however. So have fun with this juiced-up version of Bounce.Action! Listing
MODULE ; BOUNCE from ANALOG magazine ; Issue #15 ; in GTIA Mode 11 BYTE key=764,x,y,console=53279, attract=77 CARD ctr INT A,B PROC wallchex() IF x>78 THEN x=78 FI IF y>190 THEN y=190 FI IF x<1 THEN x=1 FI IF y<1 THEN y=1 FI RETURN PROC menu() PrintE("BOUNCE from Analog Issue #15") PrintE(" in GTIA mode 11") PrintF("%E* Use stick to draw walls,%E") PrintF("* Hold trigger to erase,%E") PrintF("* Hit ESC to clear screen,%E") PrintE("* Hit SPACE to bounce.") PrintE("* ARROWS control ball speed") Print("Press any key to continue.") key=255 While key=255 DO OD key=255 RETURN PROC drawscreen() BYTE curs=752 Graphics (0) curs=1 Menu() Graphics(11) curs=1 SetColor(4,0,4) ;SetColor(4,0,0) Color=15 Plot(0,0) DrawTo(79,0) DrawTo(79,191) Drawto(0,191) DrawTo(0,0) RETURN PROC flash() color=9 Plot(x,y) FOR ctr=0 to 300 DO OD color=0 Plot(x,y) FOR ctr=0 to 300 DO OD RETURN PROC bounce() BYTE fate=53770,L=[0],PA,PB,G, kolor=[1],time=[32] color=9 A=1 B=1 Plot(x,y) DO IF key=33 THEN key=255 RETURN FI WHILE Locate(x+A,y+B)<15 DO color=kolor Plot(x,y) x==+A y==+B wallchex() color=9 Plot(x,y) L==+1 FOR ctr=0 to 5*time DO OD OD IF key=7 THEN key=255 time==-32 FI Sound(0,L*4+20,10,8) PA=Locate(x+A,y) PB=Locate(x,y+B) FOR ctr=0 to 100 DO OD SndRst() L=0 IF PA>2 AND PB>2 THEN A=-A B=-B ELSEIF PA>2 AND PB<3 THEN A=-A color=2 Plot(x,y) y=y+B color=9 Plot(x,y) ELSEIF PB>2 AND PA<3 THEN B=-B color=2 Plot(x,y) x=x+A color=9 Plot (x,y) ELSEIF fate>127 THEN B=-B ELSE A=-A FI kolor==+1 IF kolor>14 THEN kolor=1 FI attract=0 OD RETURN PROC draw() BYTE qq drawscreen() x=40 y=95 DO IF key=28 THEN key=255 drawscreen() ELSEIF key=33 THEN key=255 bounce() FI IF Stick(0)=15 THEN flash() ELSEIF Stick(0)=7 THEN x=x+1 ELSEIF Stick(0)=6 THEN x=x+1 y=y-1 ELSEIF Stick(0)=14 THEN y=y-1 ELSEIF Stick(0)=5 THEN x=x+1 y=y+1 ELSEIF Stick(0)=11 THEN x=x-1 ELSEIF Stick(0)=10 THEN x=x-1 y=y-1 ELSEIF Stick(0)=13 THEN y=y+1 ELSEIF Stick(0)=9 THEN x=x-1 y=y+1 FI wallchex() IF Strig(0)=0 THEN color=0 flash() ELSE color=15 FI Plot(x,y) IF Stick(0)<>15 THEN qq=Strig(0) Sound(0,(200-x-y)*qq,8+2*qq,4) FOR ctr=0 to 1000 DO OD SndRst() FI OD RETURN
bounce in ACTION/bounceinaction.PDF