This document contains the "Getting Started" section plus other sections from the actual Draper Pascal manual. It is designed to get you up and running and doing useful things with Draper Pascal in a very short time. It does not, however, contain a detailed description of all the Draper Pascal definitions or pretend to be a comprehensive tutorial or user's reference. Registered users will receive the actual Draper Pascal manual which does contain a complete description of all definitions plus other information. Details on registering are in the last section titled "Registration Form".
Draper Pascal is distributed on a Shareware basis. You may use Draper Pascal without charge for the purpose of evaluating it's suitability for your use. If you find that Draper Pascal is worth continuing to use, then you are requested to become a registered user and gain the additional benefits that go along with it. Simply complete the registration form and mail it in to us with the very reasonable payment of only $15.00. When you register your copy of Draper Pascal, you'll receive the latest version of the software if your registered version is not current, along with a comprehensive printed user manual.
If you have received this copy from a Users' Group, "Software Library" or "SIG", and have paid a small fee (usually $3 to $10), you have NOT acquired the registered rights or continued right to use Draper Pascal. This fee was for the convenience of obtaining the diskette with Draper Pascal on it. The fee does NOT apply to the registration fee.
You may freely copy Draper Pascal for distribution under the Shareware concept, without charge.
You may NOT charge any fee for the Draper Pascal program or documentation without our written approval.
You may NOT distribute Draper Pascal or it's documentation in connection with ANY commercial venture, product, publication or service unless you obtain the royalty-free license by registering.
Draper Software welcomes you to the world of Pascal for the Atari 400/800, XL, and XE series Computer systems.
Pascal is a high-level structured programming language developed by Niklaus Wirth in 1971. It is easy to understand and well suited for program development and maintenance.
Draper Pascal is not a "standard" Pascal. It has a number of commands which are exactly like ISO and UCSD versions, some which are similar, and many "extensions" which bring out the true power of the Atari computer in an easy to use manner. It was designed to require only one disk drive for operation, but not be limited to only one. At this time, it has been shown to work with all hardware and software configurations where enough memory is provided. This implementation also has a number of commands which are familiar to Atari BASIC users, such as POKE, PEEK, SETCOLOR, NOTE, POINT, etc..
This manual is intended to familiarize you with all the features of Draper Pascal. It is not intended to teach you how to program in Pascal. However, if you already know Atari BASIC, then you can understand the Pascal statements more easily by referring to their BASIC equivalents shown after the definition of each Pascal reserved word in the complete manual provided to registered users. It is recommended that you read this manual completely to be familiarized with its features and restrictions.
This implementation of Pascal is made up of three main components. They are the Supervisor (sometimes referred to as runtime routines), the Compiler, and the Editor. The Supervisor is a high performance machine language program which simulates a 16-bit pseudo computer. The Compiler translates Pascal source code into pseudo-code instructions to be executed by the Supervisor. The Editor is used to enter and modify Pascal source programs. It may also be used to edit data files, or BASIC programs which have been LISTed to a disk or tape. These components are explained in detail within this manual.
For a description of the various files included on the supplied diskette, refer to the 'System Information' section.
Draper Pascal can be used with most popular Disk Operating Systems. It has been tested with Atari DOS 2.5, SpartaDOS 3.2d, and MYDOS. You should format a diskette with DOS on it to contain the Draper Pascal system. Since the Draper Pascal Supervisor is named AUTORUN.SYS, it will execute immediately after the disk is booted. For XL and XE computers, you do not need to hold down the Option key while booting unless you are using SpartaDOS. If using SpartaDOS, you may want to rename AUTORUN.SYS to PASCAL.COM and create a STARTUP.BAT file containing the following two lines:
BASIC OFF PASCALThis documentation file is not required to be on that same diskette.
Draper Pascal supports the use of the "Ramdisk" capability provided by using a DOS that supports a ramdisk like Atari DOS 2.5 or SpartaDOS 3.x with an Atari computer system having sufficient memory to support the ramdisk. While using this feature, the Editor takes less than two seconds to load and the Compiler takes less than three seconds. Details on setup and use of this feature are provided in the complete manual provided to registered users.
This section is intended to show by example how to use the Draper Pascal system. You will edit, compile, and run a sample program. Information displayed by the computer is shown in normal type while responses to be entered by you are shown underlined with dashes (---). To begin with, make sure you have 48K RAM installed and no cartridge in place. Boot the disk now by placing it in disk drive 1 and turning on the power to the Atari computer. After the Supervisor has finished loading, you will see a screen that looks like this:
DRAPER PASCAL 1 - Run Program 2 - Disk Directory 3 - Compile Program 4 - Edit a Program 5 - Exit to DOS 6 - List a file 7 - Trace on
DRAPER SOFTWARE EDITOR A - Add line(s) at end C - Change line(s) D - Delete line(s) E - Edit a line F - Filer menu I - Insert before line L - List line(s) M - Menu P - Print line(s) Q - Quit S - Scan line(s) X - Exit to Compiler A,C,D,E,F,I,L,M,P,Q,S,X,?->F Select Filer menu -
A - Append file D - Directory list L - Load file S - Save file L Load a file -
Enter filename -> SAMPLE1 Enter the name of the file ------- to be loaded. The name of the last file edited, compiled, or run will be filled in by the Editor. You may have to overtype it with the name shown.
A,C,D,E,F,I,L,M,P,Q,S,X,?->L List the file on the - screen Line from -> Just press RETURN for - 'Line from' and 'Line to'. Line to -> This will give a list of - the entire program in memory.
1:PROGRAM KALEIDOSCOPE; 2:VAR I,J,K,W,X:INTEGER; 3:BEGIN 4: MAXGRAPH(19); 5: GRAPHICS(19); 6: X:=0; 7: REPEAT 8: FOR W:=3 TO 50 DO 9: BEGIN 10: FOR I:=1 TO 10 DO 11: BEGIN 12: FOR J:=0 TO 10 DO 13: BEGIN 14: K:=I+J; 15: COLOR(J*3/(I+3)+I*W/12); 16: PLOT(I+8,K); 17: PLOT(K+8,I); 18: PLOT(32-I,24-K); 19: PLOT(32-K,24-I); 20: PLOT(K+8,24-I); 21: PLOT(32-I,K); 22: PLOT(I+8,24-K); 23: PLOT(32-K,I) 24: END 25: END 26: END 27: UNTIL X=99 (* UNENDING LOOP *) 28:END. A,C,D,E,F,I,L,M,P,Q,S,X,?->I Let's insert a comment - before line 15. Line -> 15 -- 15: (* MY FIRST EDIT *) Enter the data to be ------------------- inserted when prompted for 16: line 15. Just press RETURN - when prompted for line 16. This will terminate insert mode. A,C,D,E,F,I,L,M,P,Q,S,X,?->L List again to verify that - the change was made correctly. Line from -> - Line to -> - 1:PROGRAM KALEIDOSCOPE; 2:VAR I,J,K,W,X:INTEGER; 3:BEGIN 4: MAXGRAPH(19); 5: GRAPHICS(19); 6: X:=0; 7: REPEAT 8: FOR W:=3 TO 50 DO 9: BEGIN 10: FOR I:=1 TO 10 DO 11: BEGIN 12: FOR J:=0 TO 10 DO 13: BEGIN 14: K:=I+J; 15: (* MY FIRST EDIT *) 16: COLOR(J*3/(I+3)+I*W/12); 17: PLOT(I+8,K); 18: PLOT(K+8,I); 19: PLOT(32-I,24-K); 20: PLOT(32-K,24-I); 21: PLOT(K+8,24-I); 22: PLOT(32-I,K); 23: PLOT(I+8,24-K); 24: PLOT(32-K,I) 25: END 26: END 27: END 28: UNTIL X=99 (* UNENDING LOOP *) 29:END. A,C,D,E,F,I,L,M,P,Q,S,X,?->F Let's save the program - back to disk drive 1 under the same name. A - Append file D - Directory list L - Load file S - Save file S - Enter filename -> SAMPLE1 ------- A,C,D,E,F,I,L,M,P,Q,S,X,?->X Now let's exit directly to - the Compiler. Draper Software Pascal Compiler Version 2.1 Copyright 1989 by Norm Draper Enter Filename: SAMPLE1 Enter name of program to ------- be compiled. The name of the last program edited, compiled, or run will be filled in by the Compiler. Enter List Output Filespec Default is E: Just press RETURN at this - point to have the compile list directed to the screen. 0000 PROGRAM KALEIDOSCOPE; 0000 VAR I,J,K,W,X:INTEGER; 0003 BEGIN 0003 MAXGRAPH(19); 0017 GRAPHICS(19); 001B X:=0; 001E REPEAT 0022 FOR W:=3 TO 50 DO 002A BEGIN 0035 FOR I:=1 TO 10 DO 003D BEGIN 0048 FOR J:=0 TO 10 DO 004F BEGIN 005A K:=I+J; 0062 COLOR(J*3/(I+3)+I*W/12); 008A PLOT(I+8,K); 0098 PLOT(K+8,I); 00A6 PLOT(32-I,24-K); 00B8 PLOT(32-K,24-I); 00CA PLOT(K+8,24-I); 00DC PLOT(32-I,K); 00EA PLOT(I+8,24-K); 00FC PLOT(32-K,I) 010A END 010A END 010C END 011C UNTIL X=99 (* UNENDING LOOP *) 0142 END. 0147 ADDR NAME ---- -------- 0003 I 0004 J 0005 K 0006 W 0007 X 5 Compiler table entries used *** Program Execution Completed *** Press the SELECT key at Highest Stack Address Used = $AFF8 this point to take us to <START>Repeat,<SELECT>Menu,<ESC>Exit the main menu. DRAPER PASCAL VERSION 2.1 1 - Run Program 2 - Disk Directory 3 - Compile Program 4 - Edit a Program 5 - Exit to DOS 6 - List a file 7 - Trace on Copyright 1989 by Norm Draper 1 Select '1' to run the - program that was just compiled. Enter name of program to be run SAMPLE1 The name of the last ------- program edited, compiled, or run will be filled in by the main menu program. Overtype the name if you want to run a different program.
At this point you should have a nice kaleidoscope pattern being displayed on your television screen. To stop it, press the BREAK key. To repeat execution, press the START key. To return to the main menu, press the SELECT key. To exit to DOS, press the ESC key.
Another program, SAMPLE2, is also provided for you to practice with. It will display Roman numerals for powers of two between 1 and 4096. Compile it, turn on the trace via the main menu, and run it. After it is finished, press CTRL-T to display the trace table, and CTRL-S to display the stack contents. When prompted for 'Where? Filespec', enter 'E:'. For a description of the stack display line, refer to the 'DUMPSTK' command in the 'Pascal Definitions' section of the manual provided to registered users.
The Main Menu is the initial program to be run by the Supervisor. It is written in Pascal. The source code is provided for it and you may customize it as you see fit. The disk filename for the source is 'INIT.PAS'. The pseudo code program that is initially executed is 'INIT.PCD'. It would be wise to copy 'INIT.PCD' to another name to be used in case your compile of the menu program is not successful. Or, you could rename INIT.PAS to something else, like NEWINIT.PAS, and compile it to produce NEWINIT.PCD. Then you can use the 'run' option (mentioned below) to test your modified program.
The Main Menu appears as follows:
DRAPER PASCAL VERSION 2.1 1 - Run Program 2 - Disk Directory 3 - Compile Program 4 - Edit a Program 5 - Exit to DOS 6 - List a file 7 - Trace on Copyright 1989 by Norm Draper
Each of the menu options will now be explained:
Use this option to execute a program that has previously been successfully compiled. You will see the following prompt:
Enter name of program to be runThe Main Menu program will fill in the name of the last program edited, compiled, or run. If this is the one you want, all you have to do is press RETURN. If it is not the one you want, just overtype the name shown with the one you want.
This option will provide you with a list of all, or selected, files on one of your disk drives. You will receive the prompt 'Filespec?'. If you just press RETURN at this point, you will see a list of all files on the default drive. If you enter 'D2:', you will see all files on drive 2. To show only selected files, use wildcards in the normal manner. For example, enter 'D1:INIT.*' to show only files named INIT with any suffix from drive one. At the end of the list, you will be prompted to press any key to continue. After pressing any key, the Main Menu will be re-displayed.
This option sends you directly to the Pascal compiler. You will be prompted for the name of the program to be compiled, after the Compiler is loaded. If you have already edited, compiled, or run a program, the name will be shown and may be used by just pressing the RETURN key. For more information, refer to the section of this manual on 'The Compiler'.
Control is transfered to the Draper Pascal Editor when this option is chosen. For more information, refer to the section of this manual on 'The Editor'.
Pascal execution is terminated by this option. Control is passed to the Disk Operating System.
This convenience entry is provided to allow you to view, on the screen, any text file on disk or tape. You are prompted to enter the name of the file to be listed. The file is assumed to reside on the default drive if a colon (:) is not found within the name you specify. At the end of the list, you will be prompted to press any key to continue. After pressing a key, the Main Menu will appear again.
The wraparound internal trace may be turned on (or off) with this option. The trace is used only for debugging purposes and may be viewed at program termination time by pressing CTRL-T. Program execution speed is slightly degraded while the trace is active. You will be prompted to enter the number of trace entries to be maintained by the system. Each trace entry requires 10 bytes of storage at the high end of memory. The trace may not be used during graphics displays because screen memory is also at the high end of memory. To turn the trace off and remove the memory allocation of the trace table, enter zero when prompted for the number of entries to maintain. The trace format is described in the manual provided to registered users.
The Editor is used to create, modify, and save Pascal source files. It may also be used to process other text type files, like BASIC programs which have been LISTed to disk or tape. It is a line oriented editor. Combined with some type of formatting program, it may be used for word processing applications. The entire source to be edited must be in memory at one time. If your Pascal program will not fit within the limits of the Editor, then you can use the INCLUDE feature of the Compiler to allow segments of a program to be edited separately. Refer to the section on "THE COMPILER" for more information on the INCLUDE feature. Source code for the Editor is listed in the manual provided to registered users. Some key points to be noted about this editor are as follows:
Wiki-Editing pending
EDITOR COMMANDS General Prompts The following prompts are general in nature and are common among many of the editor commands to be described below. Line -> You are prompted to enter one line number, as opposed to a range of line numbers. It is used by the INSERT Editor command and refers to the line before which the inserted line(s) will be placed. Line from -> This is the first prompt for a range of line numbers. Enter the low number of the range. If you just press RETURN, line number 1 is assumed. Line to -> Enter the high line number in the range desired. If only one line is to be acted upon, that number must be entered in both this prompt and the one mentioned above. If you just press RETURN, the highest line number in the buffer will be assumed. If the number you enter is less than the 'Line from' value, the 'Line from' value will be used here. 18 Draper Pascal 2.1 The Editor Enter filename -> This prompt is shown when loading, appending, and saving files. The last filename used is filled in after the arrow. If this is the file you wish to use now, then all you have to do is press RETURN. A full filespec may be entered, but is not required. If a colon (:) is not found within the filename specified, then the default drive is assumed. If the filename given does not contain a period (.), then a suffix of .PAS is assumed. The Commands A - Add line(s) at end This command is used to add lines after the last line currently in the buffer. If the buffer is currently empty, then line 1 will be assumed as the starting point. In this manner, you can create a new file if one has not been loaded. You can append as many lines as you like. When you are finished entering lines, just press RETURN without entering any data on the line (null line). Prompts used: None C - Change line(s) The Change command allows you to change one specified string pattern to another for the first occurance in each line within the range of lines specified. After being prompted for the line number range, you are asked for the data to 'Change from ->' and 'Change to ->'. Enter any string of characters at each prompt. Imbedded blanks are allowed. If you just press RETURN for the 'Change to' prompt, the first occurance of the 'Change from' data within each line will be deleted. Prompts used: 'Line from', 'Line to', 'Change from', 'Change to' D - Delete line(s) This command allows you to delete a line or a range of lines from the file in memory. The whole file in memory will be deleted if you just press RETURN when prompted for both 'Line from' and 'Line to'. Be aware that all lines following the range deleted will be renumbered, to fill the gap just made. If you desire to delete a number of line ranges, delete those with the highest numbers first and proceed toward the beginning of the file. That way, you won't have to do a LIST after each range delete to find out what the new line numbers for the following lines are. Prompts used: 'Line from', 'Line to' 19 Draper Pascal 2.1 The Editor E - Edit line(s) The Edit command is used to edit (or make individual changes to) a line or range of lines that already exist in memory. If a range is specified, the lines are presented to you one at a time. As each line is presented, you may use any of the normal Atari editing keys (like right and left cursor, insert, delete), to alter the data. Just press RETURN when you are finished with each change. If you don't want to make a change to a line shown, just press RETURN. Prompts used: 'Line from', 'Line to' F - Filer menu The Filer is a subsystem which handles communication with an external device (disk or tape). The features provided are as follows: A - Append file A file is read from disk or tape and added to the end of the file currently in memory. The data in memory prior to the append remains unchanged. Prompts used: 'Enter filename' D - Directory list This command is used to provide a directory list of the different files on a diskette. You are prompted for 'Filespec?'. Enter the disk drive number and selection criteria for the directory list. If you just press RETURN you will see a directory list of all files on the default drive. To see all files on drive two, enter 'D2:' or 'D2:*.*'. To see only files with a suffix of PAS on drive one, enter 'D1:*.PAS'. Prompts used: 'Filespec?' L - Load file This is the way to load a file into memory from disk or tape. If any data was currently in memory, it is deleted and replaced by the file read in. Prompts used: 'Enter filename' 20 Draper Pascal 2.1 The Editor S - Save file Data is copied from memory to disk or tape with this command. The data currently in memory remains unchanged. You are prompted for filename and may use whatever name you wish. It is not necessary to save a file under the same name as was used to load the file. You should save data to disk frequently if you are making extensive changes. That way you won't have to re-do as much if something goes wrong. Prompts used: 'Enter filename' I - Insert before line This command allows you to insert one or more lines at any point within the file in memory. The inserted data is placed before the line number you specify. To terminate insert mode, just press RETURN without entering any data on the same line (null line). Note that all lines after the point of insertion will automatically be renumbered. Prompts used: 'Line ->' L - List line(s) One or more lines of data from memory are listed on the screen with this command. During the list, you may stop the scrolling by pressing either the space bar or RETURN. To resume scrolling, press any other key other than ESC. The ESC key may be pressed to prematurely terminate the listing. Prompts used: 'Line from', 'Line to' M - Menu The main Editor menu is presented in response to this command. A question mark (?) may also be used to display the main menu. Prompts used: None P - Print line(s) This command is used to create a list of data in memory on a printer attached to the Atari parallel port (P:). Internal line numbers are also directed to the printer although they do not actually exist within the file on disk or tape. Prompts used: 'Line from', 'Line to' 21 Draper Pascal 2.1 The Editor Q - Quit This command is used to exit from the Editor when you are finished editing your data. Control is given to the Main Menu program. If you have changed the data in memory and have not saved it prior to quitting, you will be given the option of saving the data or ignoring the changes and exiting. If you are going to compile a Pascal program immediately after quitting the Editor, you may use the 'X' command described below. Prompts used: None S - Scan line(s)' This command allows you to display all lines within a specified range which contain a specified character string. The character string may contain any characters, including imbedded blanks. To temporarily stop the listing, press either the space bar or RETURN. To abort the listing, press ESC. Press any other key to continue as normal. Prompts used: 'Line from', 'Line to', 'Scan for' X - Exit to Compiler This command terminates the Editor and transfers control directly to the Compiler. If the file in memory has been changed but not saved prior to the Exit command, you will be prompted to either save the file or ignore the changes and proceed to the Compiler. Prompts used: None 22 Draper Pascal 2.1 The Compiler The Compiler The Compiler is used to translate words that we humans understand into "words" that the computer can understand. The computer words are referred to as pseudo-code, or p-code for short. These pseudo-code instructions are understood and executed by the Supervisor. This is a single pass goal oriented compiler. It expects the proper syntax for a statement. If correct syntax is not found, the compilation stops, and an error number with associated text description is displayed. At this point, you are given the option of quitting or returning to the Editor to correct the problem and do the compile again. The Compiler itself is written in Draper Pascal and occupies about 28K of RAM memory space. The first prompt from the Compiler is 'Enter filename:'. The name of the last program edited, run, or compiled is filled in for your convenience. If this is the one you want, just press RETURN. If it is not the one you want, just overtype it with the name you desire. The name you provide will become the new default name for the Editor, Compiler, and Main Menu 'Run' option. No suffix is allowed when specifying filename. The Compiler will add the standard '.PAS' to it for you. If the source does not reside on the default disk drive, then you must prefix the filename with 'Dn:' where 'n' is the disk drive number where the source resides. The default disk drive is normally disk drive number one, but is changed to the Ramdisk drive number if you are taking advantage of the Ramdisk feature of a Disk Operating System that supports it. Ramdisk initialization is explained in the manual provided to registered users. The next prompt is 'Enter List Output Filespec'. The default (if you just press RETURN) is the screen (E:). The list output may go to any normal output device, such as printer (P:) or disk (D:LISTNAME.PRN). A number of additional points are mentioned below: 1. Comments are delimited by '(*' on the left end and '*)' on the right end. Any characters may appear within comments. Comments may appear anywhere within the program. 2. 'Include' files are supported. You may have procedures, functions, or any part of a program included in a compile, even though it is not actually part of the file being compiled. It is a variation of a comment which allows you to do this. The format is as follows: (*$I XXXXXXXX *) or (*$I D1:XXXXXXXX *) 23 Draper Pascal 2.1 The Compiler The dollar sign and 'I' must be right next to '(*' and must be followed by one space. Then you may mention the 'D' for disk and drive number (if other than the default drive is to be used). Follow it with a colon (:) and the filename. A suffix of '.PAS' will be automatically added to the file name. Then have at least one space and '*)'. 3. Pascal source files must reside on disk. 4. The output pseudo-code from the compile will be directed to the same disk drive that the Pascal source resides on. It will be created with a filename suffix of '.PCD'. If you have multiple disk drives and the source and pcode will not both fit on one disk, have a small file on the output disk with an 'include' for the source which resides on the other disk. 5. The hexadecimal offset of the pseudo instructions generated is given at the left side of the output listing. This offset may be useful for debugging purposes. It may be referred to when looking at a program trace (see TRACEON in the Pascal Definitions section of the manual provided to registered users). It also may be referred to in case of an error message or termination caused by pressing the BREAK key. The offset shown may not always be accurate. If not exact, the values are very close. 6. The name and stack offset of each variable defined is shown at the end of the compile listing. The offset value is shown in hexadecimal. Each stack entry is two bytes wide. The first three stack entries are reserved for system use. Therefore, the offset of the first variable will be 0003, which is actually six bytes into the stack. If a variable is defined within a procedure or function, the offset shown is relative the beginning of that procedure or function. 7. The program is ready to run immediately after the compile is finished. No linking is required. (Some Pascal systems require linking of output code after the compile and before execution). 8. Nested procedures are supported. You may define one procedure within another. 9. Recursive procedures are supported. A procedure may call itself. If variables are defined within the procedure, they are cleared with each entry into the procedure and refreshed upon exit from the recursive procedure call. 10. No forward references are allowed. A procedure may not be referenced before it is defined. In most cases, nesting the procedures will take care of this problem. 24 Draper Pascal 2.1 The Compiler 11. Double density disk drives are supported for both source and pcode files. The pcode will be written to the same drive that the initial source is taken from. 12. Only integer type parameters may be passed to procedures and functions. Other types of data may be passed by using global type variables setup at the beginning of the program (not within a procedure or function). 13. A function may only return an integer type value. Procedures do not return values. 14. Hexadecimal constants and literals are prefixed by dollar signs ($). 15. To write out an integer in hexadecimal format, precede the variable name with a percent sign (%). 16. A total of 170 compiler table entries may be used. One table entry is used for each variable definition, procedure name, function name, and parameter name used with procedures and functions. Table entries for variables defined within procedures are re-used following the 'END' for that procedure. The number of table entries used within a compile is displayed at the end of the output list from the Compiler. 17. The time needed to compile a program can be reduced by turning off the ANTIC chip within the computer. This turns off the display to the screen yet gives a fairly significant increase to the Atari's internal speed. In a normal Pascal program, you can have POKE(559,0) to turn it off and POKE(559,34) to turn it back on. But a special compile time option is provided to make use of this feature to speed up compiles. It is as follows. Have a statement (*$S+*) to turn the ANTIC off (increase speed), and use (*$S-*) to turn the ANTIC on (resume normal speed). These options may appear anywhere within a program. The ANTIC is automatically turned back on at compile termination and at time of error (if any). 25 Draper Pascal 2.1 The Supervisor The Supervisor The Supervisor is a high performance machine language program which simulates a pseudo 16-bit stack oriented computer. It executes the pseudo code that is generated by the Compiler. It is loaded into memory by disk operating system at the hex location $1D7C, which is just above DOS in memory. It should work with any DOS that allows a program to load at that address, such as Atari DOS 2.1S, Atari DOS 2.5, or SpartaDOS version 2.x or higher. A message will be displayed if the Supervisor cannot be loaded at the proper location. The disk filename for the Supervisor's object code is 'AUTORUN.SYS'. It may be renamed to anything you desire, such as 'PASCAL.COM', but will not be automatically loaded when the disk is booted if the name is other than 'AUTORUN.SYS'. To start the Pascal system from the DOS menu, use the 'L', binary load, option to load 'AUTORUN.SYS' into memory. Execution will begin automatically. The Supervisor begins execution by loading and executing the Pascal program 'INIT.PCD' from the default drive, which is always disk drive 1 immediately after loading the Supervisor. 'INIT.PCD' is the name of the main menu program. You may substitute any compiled Pascal program of your own by naming it 'INIT.PCD'. In this manner, you can have a true turnkey system where your program begins execution after booting the disk. After termination of each Pascal program, the Supervisor gives you a choice of what to do next. You are prompted with the following line: <START>Repeat,<SELECT>Menu,<ESC>Exit If you press the START key, your Pascal program will execute again from the beginning. If you press the SELECT key, control will be transfered to the main menu program (INIT.PCD). If you press the ESC key, you will exit to the DOS utility menu. You also have two other options at this point. They are both used for debugging purposes. If you press CTRL-S (the 'S' key while holding down the CTRL key), the stack values, at termination time, will be displayed. If you press CTRL-T, the internal trace table, if active, will be displayed. With either of these two debugging options, you will be asked where the display should be sent by the prompt 'WHERE? (FILESPEC)'. To see it on the screen, enter 'E:'. It also may be sent to printer or disk by following normal filespec naming conventions. If the display is sent to the screen, you may stop the scrolling by use of the space bar. Press the ESC key if you have seen enough and wish to return to the Supervisor termination prompt. Any other key causes scrolling to continue as normal. 26 Draper Pascal 2.1 Pascal Definitions Pascal Definitions Syntax is shown below for each of the Draper Pascal reserved words. The complete manual provided to registered users, however, contains COMPLETE definitions, COMPLETE sample programs demonstrating the use of each reserved word, as well as BASIC equivalents. ABS FUNCTION ABS(Number):INTEGER; ADDR FUNCTION ADDR(Var):INTEGER; AND ARCTAN FUNCTION ARCTAN(Var):REAL; ARRAY ARRAY[Number1] OF Type ARRAY[Number1,Number2] OF Type ASC FUNCTION ASC(Cvar):INTEGER; BEGIN BLOAD PROCEDURE BLOAD(Program); BOOLEAN CALL PROCEDURE CALL(Address); CASE CASE expr1 OF const1 : stmt1; const2 : stmt2; ... constn : stmtn END; CASE expr1 OF const1 : stmt1; const2 : stmt2; ... constn : stmtn ELSE stmtx END; CHAR CHR FUNCTION CHR(expr1):CHAR; CLOSE PROCEDURE CLOSE(File); COLOR PROCEDURE COLOR(Number); 27 Draper Pascal 2.1 Pascal Definitions CONCAT PROCEDURE CONCAT(Parm1,Parm2,...):STRING; CONST CONST name1=value1; name2=value2; ... COPY FUNCTION COPY(Source,Index,Length) : STRING; COS FUNCTION COS(Var):REAL; CVTREAL FUNCTION CVTREAL(Ivar):REAL DEG PROCEDURE DEG; DELETE PROCEDURE DELETE(Source,Index,Size); DIV DOS PROCEDURE DOS; DRAWTO PROCEDURE DRAWTO(X,Y); DUMPSTK PROCEDURE DUMPSTK; DVSTAT PROCEDURE DVSTAT(A,B,C,D); END EOF EOF(File); EOLN EOLN(File); EXIT PROCEDURE EXIT; EXP FUNCTION EXP(Var):REAL; EXP10 FUNCTION EXP10(Var):REAL; FALSE FILE FOR FOR var := expr1 TO expr2 DO statement; FOR var := expr1 DOWNTO expr2 DO statement; FUNCTION GOTOXY PROCEDURE GOTOXY(X,Y); GRAPHICS PROCEDURE GRAPHICS(Number); HIMEM PROCEDURE HIMEM(Value); 28 Draper Pascal 2.1 Pascal Definitions IF IF expr1 THEN stmt1; IF expr1 THEN stmt1 ELSE stmt2; INSERT PROCEDURE INSERT(Source,Destination,Index); INTEGER IORESULT FUNCTION IORESULT:INTEGER; KEYPRESS FUNCTION KEYPRESS:INTEGER; LENGTH FUNCTION LENGTH(svar):INTEGER; LN FUNCTION LN(Var):REAL; LOCATE FUNCTION LOCATE(X,Y):INTEGER; LOCK PROCEDURE LOCK(Filename); LOG FUNCTION LOG(Var):REAL; LPENH, LPENV FUNCTION LPENH:INTEGER; FUNCTION LPENV:INTEGER; MAXGRAPH PROCEDURE MAXGRAPH(Mode); MOD NOT NOTE PROCEDURE NOTE(Iocbno,Sector,Byte); ODD FUNCTION ODD(iexp); OPEN PROCEDURE OPEN(Fileno,Aux1,Aux2,Filename);; OPTIONKEY OPTIONS OPTIONS(Opt1,Opt2,...,Optn); OR ORD FUNCTION ORD(Realvar):INTEGER; PADDLE FUNCTION PADDLE(Number):INTEGER; PEEK FUNCTION PEEK(Address):INTEGER; PLOT PROCEDURE PLOT(X,Y); POINT PROCEDURE POINT(Iocbno,Sector,Byte); 29 Draper Pascal 2.1 Pascal Definitions POKE PROCEDURE POKE(Address,Value); POS FUNCTION POS(Pattern,Source):INTEGER; PROCEDURE PROCEDURE Name; PROCEDURE Name(Parm1,Parm2,...,Parmn); PROGRAM PROGRAM Name; PTRIG FUNCTION PTRIG(Number):INTEGER; PURGE PROCEDURE PURGE(Filespec); RAD READ, READLN PROCEDURE READ(File,Var1,Var2,...Varn); REAL RECORD REPEAT REPEAT Stmt1; ... ;Stmtn UNTIL Condition; RESET PROCEDURE RESET(File,Filespec); REWRITE PROCEDURE REWRITE(File,Filespec); RND FUNCTION RND(Iexp):INTEGER; SELECTKEY SETCOLOR PROCEDURE SETCOLOR(Register,Hue,Luminance); SHL Expr1 SHL Expr2 SHR Expr1 SHR Expr2 SIN FUNCTION SIN(Var):REAL; SOUND PROCEDURE SOUND(Voice,Pitch,Distortion,Volume); SQR FUNCTION SQR(Var):REAL; SQRT FUNCTION SQRT(Var):REAL; STARTKEY STATUS PROCEDURE STATUS(Iocbno,Ivar); STICK FUNCTION STICK(Number):INTEGER; 30 Draper Pascal 2.1 Pascal Definitions STR FUNCTION STR(Var):STRING; STRIG FUNCTION STRIG(Number):INTEGER; STRING TRACEOFF PROCEDURE TRACEOFF; TRACEON PROCEDURE TRACEON; PROCEDURE TRACEON('Number); TRUE UNLOCK PROCEDURE UNLOCK(Filespec); VAL FUNCTION VAL(Svar):INTEGER or REAL; VAR VAR Name1,Name2,...,Namen : Type; VAR Name1,Name2,...,Namen : ARRAY[Number] OF Type; WAIT PROCEDURE WAIT(Number); WHILE WHILE Condition DO Statement; WRITE WRITE(File,Expr1,Expr2,...); WRITE(File,Expr1:Fldwdth...); WRITE(File,Expr1:Fldwdth:Numdec...); WRITELN WRITELN(File,Expr1,Expr2,...); WRITELN(File,Expr1:Fldwdth...); WRITELN(File,Expr1:Fldwdth:Numdec...); XCTL PROCEDURE XCTL(Filespec); XIO PROCEDURE XIO(Number,File,Aux1,Aux2,Filespec); 31 Draper Pascal 2.1 System Information System Information The Supervisor uses zero page locations $A0 - $BF. Locations $80 - $9F are available for your use if desired. Various locations between $D4 and $FD are used by the floating point routines. Page six ($600 - $6FF) is available for your use and not used by the Pascal system. The Supervisor is loaded into memory by DOS at the address $1D7C. If this memory location is not available, then an error message is given, along with an explanation of the probable cause of the problem. The pseudo code program to be executed is loaded in memory immediately after the end of the Supervisor. The pseudo machine stack extends from the end of the pseudo code program to the MEMTOP position, just before screen memory. Filename Descriptions The files named below are included in this ARC file: AUTORUN.SYS Supervisor object code COMPILER.PCD Compiler pcode EDITOR.PCD Editor pcode INIT.PCD Main Menu pcode INIT.PAS Main Menu Pascal source EXPLNERR.PCD Error code explainor (used by Compiler) RSVDWRDS.TXT Reserved word list (used by Compiler) ERRORS.TXT Text for compile errors (used by EXPLNERR.PCD) RAMDISK1.DAT Ramdisk setup (See complete manual) RAMDISK2.DAT Ramdisk setup (See complete manual) RAMDISK3.DAT Ramdisk setup (See complete manual) NOTITLE.OBJ Used to suppress title (See complete manual) SAMPLE1.PAS Kaleidoscope sample program source SAMPLE2.PAS Roman numeral sample program source PASCAL.DOC This introduction manual 32 Draper Pascal 2.1 Reserved Word List Reserved Word List ABS DEG FUNCTION ODD READLN STRING ADDR DELETE GOTOXY OF REAL THEN AND DIV GRAPHICS OPEN RECORD TO ARCTAN DO HIMEM OPTIONKEY REPEAT TRACEOFF ARRAY DOS IF OPTIONS RESET TRACEON ASC DOWNTO INSERT OR REWRITE TRUE BEGIN DRAWTO INTEGER ORD RND UNLOCK BLOAD DUMPSTK IORESULT PADDLE SELECTKEY UNTIL BOOLEAN DVSTAT KEYPRESS PEEK SETCOLOR VAL CALL ELSE LENGTH PLOT SHL VAR CASE END LN POINT SHR WAIT CHAR EOF LOCATE POKE SIN WHILE CHR EOLN LOCK POS SOUND WRITE CLOSE EXIT LOG PROC SQR WRITELN COLOR EXP LPENH PROCEDURE SQRT XCTL CONCAT EXP10 LPENV PROGRAM STARTKEY XIO CONST FALSE MAXGRAPH PTRIG STATUS COPY FILE MOD PURGE STICK COS FOR NOT RAD STR CVTREAL FUNC NOTE READ STRIG 33 Draper Pascal 2.1 Operators Operators Operator Operation ________ _________ := assignment arithmetic: + addition - subtraction * multiplication / or DIV division MOD modulo (remainder after division) Relational: = equality <> inequality < less than > greater than <= less than or equal to >= greater than or equal to Logical: OR AND NOT 34 Draper Pascal 2.1 Error Messages Error Messages COMPILE TIME ERROR MESSAGES 01: Compiler table overflow (max 170) 02: Number expected 03: '=' expected 04: Identifier expected 05: Constant type identifier, number, or string constant expected 06: 'BEGIN' expected 07: Too many nesting levels 08: ':' expected 09: '.' expected 10: ';' expected 11: Undeclared identifier 12: Invalid type of identifier 13: ':=' expected 14: 'END' expected 15: ';', 'ELSE', or 'END' expected 16: 'THEN' expected 17: '#' expected 18: 'DO' expected 19: '#' or FILE type identifier expected 20: '[' expected 21: ']' expected 22: ')' expected 23: Illegal factor or identifier type 24: INCLUDE file nesting too deep 25: 26: 'OF' expected 27: Mismatched data types 28: 'TO' or 'DOWNTO' expected 29: 'UNTIL' expected 30: Range error 31: '(' expected 32: ',' expected 33: Literal too long or missing end quote (') 34: 'END' but no RECORD started 35: Incorrect number of parameters 36: INTEGER type identifier expected 37: STRING type identifier expected 38: REAL type identifier expected 39: CHAR type identifier expected 40: FILE type identifier expected 41: HEX type identifier expected 42: STRING constant expected 35 Draper Pascal 2.1 Error Messages EXECUTION TIME ERROR MESSAGES INDEX TOO HIGH This message occurs if an attempt is made to store a string array element into an occurance that is higher than defined for the variable. For example, if you tried to store the twentieth entry of an array that was only defined to hold ten occurances, you would get the message. This message only applies to string arrays since other array types are not checked for valid occurance numbers. UNABLE TO OPEN DEBUG IOCB (7) This message is issued if the list output device you specify in response to the 'WHERE? (FILESPEC)' prompt cannot be opened. The prompt is issued only for the debug features trace and stack display. CIO ERROR xxx FOR IOCB # y Some kind of Input-Output operation was performed which resulted in an abnormal return code from the Atari operating system. Refer to your BASIC or DOS manual for the meaning of the error number 'xxx'. 'y' is the IOCB number which the error occured on. Note that this message will not be printed if OPTIONS(0) is in effect. In this case it is your responsibility to check the return code by interrogating IORESULT after each I/O type instruction. AT OFFSET This message accompanies some other error message and refers to the offset within the pseudo code of the instruction that had the error. Refer to the offset shown on your compile listing to determine the Pascal instruction that experienced the error. 36 Draper Pascal 2.1 Error Messages STOPPED BY <BREAK> KEY This message indicates that execution of the program was stopped because the BREAK key was pressed. The offset of the instruction executing is shown in the 'AT OFFSET' message. Note that this message will not occur (and the program will not stop after BREAK is pressed) if OPTIONS(4) is in effect. INSUFFICIENT MEMORY This message indicates that an attempt was made to increase the value of the stack pointer to a value which would overlay screen memory or the trace buffer, if the trace was active. It may also be caused by manipulation of a record without sufficient room between the top of the stack and the top of available memory (MEMTOP) to temporarily hold it. INVALID OPCODE This message should not occur. It indicates that a pseudo instruction was encountered which is invalid. If you get this message, it means that your '.PCD' file has been corrupted somehow or an XCTL was made to a file that was not a pseudo code file. To correct, re-compile the program in question. It may also occur if you attempt to run a Draper Pascal program which was compiled under a previous release of this software. 37 Draper Pascal 2.1 Registration Form Registration Form When you register for a fee of only $15.00, you will receive a copy of the latest version of the Draper Pascal manual. Also, if a later version of the software is more current than the version you are registering, you will receive a diskette containing it. In addition to all relative information in this manual, the complete manual provided to registered users contains the following: * Complete Draper Pascal reserved word definitions * Complete Draper Pascal example programs demonstrating the use of each reserved word * BASIC equivalents for each reserved word, where applicable * Information on setup and use of a Ramdisk for Draper Pascal. After proper initialization, the Editor will take less than two seconds to load and the Compiler will take less than three seconds. Also, the default drive will be automatically set to the Ramdisk. * A royalty-free, non-exclusive license to allow you to distribute software developed using Draper Pascal * Complete Draper Pascal source listings for the Editor, Main Menu program, Ramdisk initialization program, and sample programs * Editor command summary * Information on how to suppress the title screen from being displayed * Trace format descriptions * Internal data format descriptions * Notes on printer usage with Draper Pascal * Technical support, by mail, at no charge If you purchased Draper Pascal directly from Draper Software in your own name, then your copy is already registered and you will recieve all the benefits of registration. You do not need to send in a registration form. If you received Draper Pascal some other way, you may register your copy by filling out the following form and mailing it to the listed address along with your check or money order. 38 Draper Pascal 2.1 Registration Form ================================================================ Draper Pascal 2.1 Registration Form Mail payment to: Draper Software 307 Forest Grove Drive Richardson, TX 75080-1939 Texas residents: Please add 8% tax. Note: Please allow three to five weeks for delivery. NAME _________________________________________ COMPANY (if any) ______________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________ CITY/STATE ___________________________________ ZIP __________________ Where did you obtain this copy of Draper Pascal? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ================================================================