Table of Modes and Screen Format

Table of Modes and Screen Format#

This is the corrected version of 'Table of Modes and Screen Format' taken from the Atari Basic Errata

Gr.ModeMode TypeHor. ColumnsVert. Rows Split ScreenVert. Rows Full ScreenNumber of Color Regs.Split Screen 1)RAM Required (Bytes) Full Screen 1)RAM required ScreenMem/ScreenMen w/ Split Screen
0Text40-241,5-992dec:960/- hex:$03c0/-
1Text2020245674672dec:480/400 hex:$01E0/$0190
2Text2010125424420dec:240/200 hex:$00F0/$00C8
3Graphics4020244434432dec:240/200 hex:$00F0/$00C8
4Graphics8040282694696dec:480/400 hex:$01E0/$0190
5Graphics804048411741176dec:960/800 hex:$0496/$0498
6Graphics1608096221742184dec:1920/1600 hex:$0780/$0640
7Graphics1608096441904200dec:3840/3200 hex:$0F00/$0C80
8Graphics3201601921,581128138dec:7680/6400 hex:$1E00/$1900

Note 1) RAM required includes RAM for Display List


'Table of Modes and Screen Format' taken from the Atari Basic Errata
see Color Topics, topic list, Display List Instruction Table