ok showstack 44 7 ok 8 47 7 8 ok noshowstack ok
The topmost stack item is always shown as the last item in the list, immediately before the "ok" prompt. In the above example, the topmost stack item is 8.
showstack ( -- )
Prints the content of the stack preceding the "ok" prompt.
noshowstack ( -- )
Stops printing of the stack content
( showstack ) BASE @ ( save base ) HEX : .SOK .S ." ok" R> 3 + >R ; 2F7B CONSTANT OKPROMPT ( <-- implementation dependent! ) OKPROMPT @ CONSTANT ORGOK ' .SOK CFA CONSTANT NEWOK : SHOWSTACK NEWOK OKPROMPT ! ; : NOSHOWSTACK ORGOK OKPROMPT ! ; BASE ! ( restore base ) ." SHOWSTACK loaded..."