!!!PAC-MAN Source Code 

Sometimes wonders just happen, this can't be more true, than for the source code of PAC-MAN. After a long, long time, this miracle just happend, please see below for more details.

!!Source Code
* [PAC-MAN_Source_Code_2.zip] ; this is the source code for the Atari 8-bit PAC-MAN game. This version is adapted to work with the WUDSN IDE with MADS, and modified to be able to compile several versions of PAC MAN. See the [Makefile.bat] file for further details on how to compile your desired version.
* [PAC-MAN_Source_Code_Macro_Assembler.zip] ; this is the original version from 1982, which was written with Atari Macro Assembler.

!!XEX files ; compiled from the source codes
* [PACMAN-ORIGINAL.xex] ; Atari's original version of PAC-MAN compiled from the source code
* [PACMAN-ROKLAN.xex] ; version from ROKLAN Corp., ran from disk
* [PACMAN-DATASOFT.xex] ; version from Datasoft. This version eliminates all references to Atari (such as copyright messages.) The Atari logo fruit bonus has been replaced with a Galaxian flagship. [{Image src='datasoft-fruit.png' width=124 height=106 }]
* [PACMAN-ATARI82.xex] ; This version of PAC-MAN has broken intermission scenes 3 and 4, and though the ROM was found online this version was probably not sold. We think was a leaked, pre-release version.
* The differences between these three versions are primarily small changes in graphics and sound. The Atari82 version also handles joystick control differently.

* [PACMAN-ORIGINAL-INTERMISSION-DEMO.xex] ; same as PACMAN-ORIGINAL, hacked so that eating one dot ends the level, so the user can see quickly the intermission sequences without doing the hard work, in case there may be less time. ;-) Thank you so much JAC! from AtariAge for making such a pleasure for us. We are deep in your debt. :-) 

* [PAC-MAN versions|http://www.atarimania.com/list_games_atari_search_80.] ; different PAC-MAN versions on Atarimania. Thank you so much Atarimania for all the work you have done in this. Greatly appreciated.
* [Cartridge version from Atari of PAC-MAN|http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-pac-man_3857.html] ; This is the CXL4022 / RX8022 cartridge version from Atari Inc. developed by Roklan Corp. in 1982
* [Datasoft, Inc. version of PAC-MAN developed by Roklan Corp.|http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-pac-man_5987.html] ; 
* [US Gold version of PAC-MAN developed by Roklan Corp.|http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-pac-man_12548.html] ; 
* [Rushware GmbH version of PAC-MAN developed by Roklan Corp.|http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-pac-man_6828.html] ; 
* [PAC-MAN from Datasoft, Inc. on archive.org|https://archive.org/details/a8b_Pac_Man_1984_Datasoft_US] ; thank you so much Jason Scott, we greatly appreciate your work and help for the commnity very much. Please go ahead! :-)

[{Image src='Datasoft.jpg' width=927 height=538 }]
Datasoft, Inc. info for PAC-MAN with included sequencies\\
[{Image src='Opening.jpg' width=885 height=590 }]
Opening for PAC-MAN with included sequencies\\
[{Image src='Bonus.jpg' width=904 height=525 }]
Bonus from PAC-MAN with included sequencies\\
[{Image src='Characters1.jpg' width=908 height=550 }]
Characters 1 from PAC-MAN with included sequencies\\
[{Image src='Characters2.jpg' width=908 height=559 }]
Characters 2 from PAC-MAN with included sequencies\\
[{Image src='Characters3.jpg' width=908 height=573 }]
Characters 3 from PAC-MAN with included sequencies\\
[{Image src='Screen1.jpg' width=505 height=429 }]
Screenshot 1 from PAC-MAN with included sequencies\\
[{Image src='Screen2.jpg' width=711 height=420 }]
Screenshot 2 from PAC-MAN with included sequencies\\
[{Image src='Screen3.jpg' width=607 height=445 }]
Screenshot 3 from PAC-MAN with included sequencies\\
[{Image src='Screen4.jpg' width=595 height=425 }]
Screenshot 4 from PAC-MAN with included sequencies\\
[{Image src='Screen5.jpg' width=603 height=410 }]
Screenshot 5 from PAC-MAN with included sequencies\\
[{Image src='Screen6.jpg' width=576 height=426 }]
Screenshot 6 from PAC-MAN with included sequencies\\
[{Image src='Screen7.jpg' width=543 height=447 }]
Screenshot 7 from PAC-MAN with included sequencies\\
[{Image src='Screen8.jpg' width=536 height=409 }]
Screenshot 8 from PAC-MAN with included sequencies