|0,1|$0000,$0001|[LINZBS]| |both
|2,3|$0002,$0003|[CASINI]| |both
|4,5|$0004,$0005|[RAMLO]| |both
|6|$0006|[TRAMSZ]| |both
|7|$0007|[TSTDAT]| |
|8|$0008|[WARMST]| |
|9|$0009|[BOOT?]| |
|10,11|$000A,$000B|[DOSVEC]| |
|12,13|$000C,$000D|[DOSINI]| |
|14,15|$000E,$000F|[APPMHI]| |
|16|$0010|[POKMSK]| |
|17|$0011|[BRKKEY]| |
|18,19,20|$0012,$0013,$0014|[RTCLOK]| |
|21,22|$0015,$0016|[BUFADR]| |
|23|$0017|[ICCOMT]| |
|24,25|$0018,$0019|[DSKFMS]| |
|26,27|$001A,$001B|[DSKUTL]| |
|28|$001C|[PTIMOT]| |

|704|$02C0|[PCOLR0]|Color of Player 0 and Missile 0 | both
|705  |  $02C1  |  [PCOLR1]  |  Color of Player 1 and Missile 1 | both
|706  |  $02C2  |  [PCOLR2]  |  Color of Player 3 and Missile 2 | both
|707  |  $02C3  |  [PCOLR3]  |  Color of Player 3 and Missile 3 | both
|708  |  $02C4  |  [COLOR0]  |  Color Register 0.  | both
|709  |  $02C5  |  [COLOR1] |  | both
|710  |  $02C6  |  [COLOR2] |  | both
|711  |  $02C7  |  [COLOR3] |  | both
|712  |  $02C8  |  [COLOR4] |  | both
|732  |  $02FC  |  [HELPFG] |  | both
|736,737  |  $02E0,$02E1  |  [RUNAD] |  | both
|762|$02FA|[CHAR]| |both
|763|$02FB|[ATACHR]| |both
|764|$02FC|[CH]| | both
|765|$02FD|[FILDAT]| |both
|766|$02FE|[DSPFLG]| |both
|767|$02FF|[SSFLAG]| |both
Page 3
|768|$0300F|[DDEVIC]| |both
|769|$0301|[DUNIT]| |both
|770|$0302|[DCOMND]| |both
|771|$0303|[DSTATS]| |both
|772,773|$0304,$0305|[DBUFLO],[DBUFHI]| |both
|774|$0306|[DTIMLO]| |both
|775|$0307|[DUNUSE]| |both
|776,777|$0308,$0309|[DBYTLO],[DBYTHI]| |both
|778,779|$030A,$030B|[DAUX1],[DAUX2]| |both
|780,781|$030C,$030D|[TIMER1]| |both
|782|$0D30E|[ADDCOR]| |both
|783|$030F|[CASFLG]| |both
|784,785|$0310,$0311|[TIMER2]| |both
|786,787|$0312,$0313|[TEMP1]| |both
|788|$0314|[TEMP2]| |both
|789|$0315|[TEMP3]| |both
|790|$0316|[SAVIO]| |both
|791|$0317|[TIMFLG]| |both
|792|$0318|[STACKP]| |both
|793|$0319|[TSTAT]| |both
|794-831|$031A-$033F|[HATABS]|38 Bytes Handler Address Table|both
|832-847|$0340-$034F|[IOCB0]| |both
|848-863|$0350-$035F|[IOCB1]| |both
|864-879|$0360-$036F|[IOCB2]| |both
|880-895|$0370-$037F|[IOCB3]| |both
|896-911|$0380-$038F|[IOCB4]| |both
|912-927|$0390-$039F|[IOCB5]| |both
|928-943|$03A0-$03AF|[IOCB6]| |both
|944-959|$03B0-$03BF|[IOCB7]| |both
|960-999|$03C0-$03E7|[PRNBUF]| |both
|1000-1020|$03E8-$03FC| |reserved buffer|both
|1021-1151|$03FD-$047F|[CASBUF]| |both
| | | | | 
|1536-1791|$0600-$06FF| |Page 6|both
| | | | | 
|53279|$D01F|[CONSOL]| |both