!!!Basic XL by OSS

[Basic XL/BASIC_XL.png]


* [Basic XL/OSSBasicXL103.rom] latest rom image from OSS


* [BASIC XL Toolkit Disk-Side A.atr] Side B will come maybe soon

* [30 Days to Understanding BASIC XL-Bill Wilkinson and Diane Goldstein.pdf] 180 pages, OCR, tera thanks to low.blow from AtariAge, he will never be forgotten!
* [OSS BASIC XL-Reference Manual-1st Edition 1983.pdf] 143 pages, OCR, tera thanks to low.blow from AtariAge, he will never be forgotten!
* [Basic XL/BASIC_XL_Manual.pdf] 158 pages, OCR, reprint
* [OSS-The Basic XL Toolkit-Including the BASIC XL Runtime Package-Reference Manual.pdf] 42 double-pages, OCR

* [OSS Basic XL Review] (german)
* [Basic XL Information on Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimized_Systems_Software#BASIC_XL]